How long did Washington serve?
two terms (8 years)
What was Hamilton's position in Washington's cabinet?
Secretary of Treasury
What was Jefferson's position in Washington's Cabinet?
Secretary of State
Who did not like the idea of the federal government assuming states' debts from the war?
southern states/ Jefferson
where was the first US capital?
new york city
He was seen as an honest man, and a hero of the revolution day
What political party was Alexander Hamilton in?
What political party was Thomas Jefferson a part of?
what compromise was made in order for the federal government to assume states' debts ?
Move the capital to D.C
the new government would set ____ , or examples, for future action?
What did Washington warn Americans about in his farewell address?
Political parties/divison
What did Hamilton propose and establish to help make the new nation stable?
A national bank
what type of economy did Jefferson support?
Why did political parties form?
disagreements between cabinet members
How long did Hamilton suggest the bank charter be ?
20 years
who did Washington tend to agree with on policy matters?
Alexander Hamilton
what type of economy did Hamilton support?
Jefferson wanted how to have more power?
the states
what type of construction for the national bank did Jefferson want?
strict/hard construction
when was the first national bank chartered?
Who was Washington's vice president ?
John Adams
Hamilton wanted to put tariffs on foreign goods, who does that protect?
american manufacturers
where was Jefferson born?
who agreed with Hamilton's plan for a national bank? (not his supporters)
president Washington/congress
$25 million