John Newton once wrote these words: I once was lost but now I'm found. Once blind, now can see.
What is "Amazing Grace"?
What is "Lancaster"?
pistachio, hazelnut, or caramel
What is "Coffee Social"?
The main actor in this movie went back in time only to help his parents fall in love so he could get back to 1985. Flux capacitor.
What is "Back to the Future"?
A gift from France that represents Peace. If you're planning to walk up all the steps, you'll need better knees.
What is "Statue of Liberty"?
All the way from Australia, Denver wrote this song about a Mountain Mama and blue ridge mountains
What is "Country Roads"?
The Home of the Candy Bar tycoon
What is "Hershey" Pennsylvania?
At this event, a host will give question prompts and two teams will have to guess the question
What is "Jeopardy"?
Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Ernie Hudson, Harold Ramis are who you want to call.
What are "Ghostbusters"?
The 16th president president sits immortalized in marble as and enduring symbol of unity, strength, and wisdom.
What is "The Lincoln Memorial"
Father Mackenzie darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there. What does he care?
What is "Eleanor Rigby"?
The Rocky steps are why you visit. The liberty bell, you don't want to miss it.
What is Philadelphia, PA?
Midnight Mangler terrorized people in their dreams and hung out a lot on Elm Street.
What is "Nightmare on Elm Street"?
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln
What is "Mount Rushmore"?
You are my candy girl and you've got me wanting you
What is "Sugar Sugar"?
Roberto Clemente, Barry Bonds, Mike Tomlin
What is "Pittsburgh"?
Who is "Jenna"?
This group of unlikely characters became friends at Saturday detention. It's a type of morning club you may have heard about from the 1980s.
What is "The Breakfast Club"?
132 Rooms, 35 bathrooms, the diplomat room, and the oval office!
What is "The White House"?
Back on the street I did my time AND I took my chances. I went the distance, but now? Back on my feet. It's the thrills of the fight.
What is "Eye of the Tiger"?
To getaway, you go here to ski. The Paradise is a romantic attraction place to be. Appalachian mountains makes for a beautiful railroad scene.
What are "The Poconos"?
I like watching Black Phone starring Ethan Hawk. If you like to exercise, I'll make you walk. Karaoke gets me moving. I pass papers out daily so you know what we're doing.
Who is "Dymonique"
1989 produced one of Dolly Parton's most famous movies featuring Shirley MCClain, Sally Field.
Metal. Flowers.
What is "Steel Magnolia"?
One of the 7 Wonders of the world and Located in Agra, this massive structure was built to comfort a grieving emperor Shah Jahan. $21 million of citizen money from 1631-1648 was used to build this admired masterpiece and is still an active mosque today.
What is "The Taj Mahal"?