Lauren's middle name
The name of the company will works for and the industry
PYKA, Aerospace
When Lauren and Will first met, Will was doing _____________ for work
Lauren was a part of this sorority in college
Gamma Phi Beta
Lauren is jealous of this person
Dua Lipa
Lauren is likely to be found here on a Saturday morning
Wayward Bakery
Will speaks this many languages
Lauren and Will first kissed in a __________
Hot Spring
Lauren has described Will as a _________ when he was in college
Lauren and Will have always talked of doing this big wall climb together
El Cap
When Kelly first met Lauren (Freshman year of college), Lauren said she wanted to become a ____________ for her career
Will went to the same college as this past president
Lauren & Will once traveled to this middle eastern country to rock climb
Before Will's family moved to New Mexico, he grew up in the same neighborhood as this friend of ours
Kelly !!!!!
This person stole the bread needle
Lauren Danna
Lauren grew up in this town
Yuba City, Baby
Will's parents live here
New Mexico
Lauren got horrendous food poisoning and threw up outside of Kelly's parents house after visiting this country (with Will)
Will used to spend his summers doing this job in Alaska
Commercial Fishing
Lauren and John once microwaved this item to see if it would explode
A whole egg
Lauren's favorite outdoor activity
Though most people think of Will's main outdoor activity as climbing, he is also great at this outdoor activity
Lauren and Will almost lost their lives on a camping trip to this animal
Will helped Lauren with a cross country move from this location to this location
Denver --> San Luis Obispo
Lauren just got her dream job working for this company