Place the splint back in its appropriate spot
what is MSK
This cloth can be used as a sling or bandage.
What is a triangular bandage?
This is the normal capillary refill time in a healthy adult.
What is less than 2-3 seconds
Do a pack check for:
- find AED
- check the battery
Place the BVM back in its appropriate spot
What is the main pocket?
The people we call right before starting a shift
What are the Special Constable Services (SCS)
You get called on your shift to the AC gym where somebody has rolled their ankle and said they felt it pop. Before applying a splint your first step is to
What is check circulation?
Do a pack check for:
Where is the bleeds bag?
Place the tape back in its appropriate spot
what is MSK
The date of this year's upcoming Mass Casualty Training Event
Three different ways that you can check circulation
What is:
- cap refill, pulse ox, radial pulse, carotid, brachial, etc.
Do a pack check for:
Pulse Oximeter
Found in the vitals bag
- must turn on to see if working
- must also check to see if reading is accurate
Place the tourniquet back in its appropriate spot
what is the bleeds bag
These are where the copies of sheets of injury reports are sent to/placed at the end of a shift.
What is:
- AC front desk, chest/box in the fort, paramedics if they arrive
You've been called to the soccer field because somebody missed the ball and accidentally kicked another player in the head. Demonstrate how you'd check for a concussion
Pen light eye sweep
Must be over the eyes and not in the eyes
Do a pack check for:
Penlight is in the vitals bag (top pocket)
- must check if it is working
Place the Emesis bags back in their appropriate spot
what is the side bad/misc
Describe how you would ensure paramedics get to the scene of an on campus emergency
What is contact SCS and let them know what and where the emergency is?
Check your patient's blood pressure
Must use:
- stethoscope, BP cuff
Do a pack check for:
- Oxygen
- find the regulator and apply appropriately
- ensure it is at the right amount +800 ideally 1000
- close the oxygen, release the oxygen for regulator
- place in appropriate pocket