History of Law
Important Terms

Outlines offences against society

criminal law


Marriage, divorce, custody, and adoption comes under this branch of law

Family law


The earliest known sets of written law circa 1750 BCE

Code of Hammurabi


What is case law?

These are recorded written decisions of judges. This is also know as common law.


What is the accused called in a civil or criminal case?



Outlines the structure and powers of the federal and provincial governments. eg) vilations of equality rights

Constitutional law


This branch of law deals with rents, lease agreements, land issues.

Property law


What is the set of laws under Mosaic law?

Ten Commandments


Explain the term "jurisdiction"?

The area in which a government (federal, provincial, municiple) has authority to make and enforce laws.

eg) Federal - defence

      Provincial - highways and roads, licenses

      Municiple - garbage collection, snow removal


What's the difference between a rule and a law?

A rule is a restriction that applies to only those who agree to adopt it. Rules are not always permanent and less severe. Laws apply to all members of society that are long lasting and are more severe. Heavy fines, loss of freedom by serving a prison sentence.


The branch of law that deals with citizens and government agencies. eg) in the case of discrimination, citizens can file a complaint with a human rightrs commission.

Administrative law


An agreement to an exchange of goods & services for monetary compensation.

Contract law


This British historical document from 1215.

Why is it important? What did it establish?

Magna Carta (Great Charter)

It recognized the principle of the rule of law. All rulers must obey the law. No one is above the law.


What 2 principles of law can be found in the two most common ancient legal codes? Explain

The concepts of retribution (for every crime there needs to be a punishment) and

Restitution (paying back a victim for the harm done by the offender) eg) repay the victim for goods stolen



Give me food and I grow; give me drink and I die!

What am I?

A fire


Consists of rules that outline your rights and obligations in society.

Substantive law


professional malpractice, negligence (carelessness), 

Tort Law


What is habeas corpus? Give the English translation and its meaning.

Show me the body

The crown (prosecution) must demonstrate to the court why an accuse should be held in jail. Charges must be presented. At this time, usually a plea of guilty or not guilty is made by the accused.


Explain precedent.

Give an advantage and disadvantage of each.

All judges who hear cases that are similar to previous court decisions will rule the same. By treating similar cases alike, judges established a standard for judging offences. Precedents force courts to act in a fair way and cannot favour on party in a case.  Disadvantages)  Bad decisions get repeated, values/technology changes, each case is unique


Explain how a bill becomes a law?

Cabinet minister introduces a bill in H of C

First reading - all MPs receive a copy, vote taken

Second reading - bill is debated, second vote

Committe Stage - experts examine details, changes

Third reading - briefly debated, third vote

Senate - Bill goes 3 reading and vote

Royal Assent - Governor General sign the bill


For example, writing wills, inheritance, and jury selection

Procedural law


What is the difference between labour law and employment law?

Labour - deal with relationship between employers

              and unions

Employment - governs the relationship between

                     employers and employees


What is parliament? How did it come about? What is its main role? What's the difference between a parliament and a legislature in Canada today.

In England, the first parliament was a group of Barons that helped the king do the country's business. They helped make decisions of the nation. Mostly dealing with finances. They are representatives of the country. Their main role is to pass laws for the good of the country. A parliament has 2 chambers (H of C, Senate) and a legislature only has one chamber of the provinces representative (also known as MLAs)


What are all the elements found in a legal citation?

1) Who is involved in the case (R v Jones)

2) Is the case public or private

3) The year the court reached its decision

4) Identifies which court heard the case

5) The name of the location where the case can be found


What are the FIVE functions of law?

Establish rules of conduct

provide a system of enforcement

Protect rights and freedoms

protect society

resolve disputes
