Analogical Arguments
Rule Based Arguments
Davis v. Karolek

Q: Where will you find information on citation rules and conventions specific to a State?

Table T1 in the Bluebook


A persuasive anological argument follows the same structure as?

Objective analogical argument


What is a rule based argument?

When an attorney believes a conclusion is warranted based on comparing client’s case with a legal standard


How did Eduardo injure his knee?

falling off a ladder


What is the rule on capitalization when referring to plaintiffs and defendants in a separate case?

always lowercase letters


“Stare Decisis” is the principal that

 a court should reach the same conclusion as a prior court when presented with the same legal issue and facts as in the prior case


What is a key component of a rule based argument that makes the argument stronger?

using & repeating exact language from the rule in your application


What was Marion Kinney’s role?

materials expert


What is the correct case name in a full citation for a case of Anthony Davis v. Doncic International Importer?

Davis v. Doncic Int’l Imp.


Heart of an analogical argument is?

The factual comparison between cases


“The plaintiffs should be entitled to relief because they have the right to security, and denying this would undermine societal trust in legal protections against unreasonable interferences” is an example of what type of argument?

policy based argument


What was the plaintiff’s primary role during this project

Overseeing installation of the piece/making sure the large pieces fit together & construction


"You want to cite the case of Davis v. Karolek, which was decided by the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio on November 5, 2024. The case is published in volume 622 of the Federal Supplement, Third Series, starting on page 345 (the specific information you are citing is in paragraph 15 of the opinion, which is on page 349). The case was given the sequential number 19 by the court"

 Davis v. Karolek, 622 F. Supp. 3d 345, 349 (S.D. Ohio 2024).


Analogical arguments are strongest when combined with this other type of argument

rule based arguments


What are 5 textual canons of construction? (Interpretation of a statute)

plain meaning of the rule, specific words, ambiguous modifiers, lists, same subject/purpose


What was the dollar amount the plaintiff ordered from the defendant to compensate for her losses?



You want to cite the case of Aubrey Graham versus Kendrick Duckworth. The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York decided the case on January 2, 2002. The case is published in volume 614 of the Federal Supplement, Third Series, starting on page 216. The specific information you are citing is on page 223. Provide the correct full citation sentence

Graham v. Duckworth, 614 F. Supp. 3d 216, 223 (S.D.N.Y. 2002)


Analogical reasoning is the hallmark of?

“Thinking like a lawyer”


“All Ohio State fans are awesome people, all Clevelanders are ohio state fans, all Clevelanders are awesome people” is an example of what?



What was the first request the plaintiff made to the court?

An order enjoining the Defendant from requiring female employees to travel to locations known to have Oropouche virus infestations when those employees are trying to become pregnant; 

