Criminal Law
property crimes

What is the legal definition of homicide?

the killing of one person by another, encompassing various degrees such as murder and manslaughter.


What is the exact reasoning for arrest while not being sober during driving

Intoxication while driving


What is the purpose of criminal law?

 to maintain social order, deter criminal behavior, and provide punishment for those who violate the law.


What is the legal term for the unlawful taking of someone else's property with the intent to permanently deprive them of it?

What is larceny?


What is the primary role of a defense attorney in a criminal case?

they represents the accused, ensuring their legal rights are protected, and provides a robust defense against the charges brought by the prosecution.


What factors distinguish first-degree murder from second-degree murder?

typically involves premeditation and intent, while second-degree murder may lack premeditation but still involves intentional killing.


What is the legal standard that requires reasonable belief ha a crime has been committed

Probable cause


What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?

one is a more serious crime that is usually punishable by imprisonment for more than a year, while the other is a less serious offense, typically resulting in a sentence of less than one year in jail.


This crime involves the unauthorized entry into a building or structure with the intent to commit a crime. What is it called?

What is burglary?


How does the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" impact the defense strategy?

The presumption of innocence places the burden of proof on the prosecution. The defense leverages this principle to challenge evidence and create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury.


In a criminal investigation, what role does the concept of motive play in understanding a homicide case?

 a person may commit a crime. While not always necessary for prosecution, understanding motive can strengthen a case.


What is the unlawful entry into a building with the inent to commit a crime inside.



What is the concept of "beyond a reasonable doubt"?

the highest standard of proof required in criminal cases. It means that there should be no reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury or judge that the defendant is guilty.


 If someone steals your car, what type of property crime has occurred?

What is grand theft auto?


What is the significance of the Miranda rights in the defense of a criminal suspect?

the including the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney, are crucial in protecting a suspect's constitutional rights during police interrogation, ensuring a fair defense.


How does the legal system differentiate between murder and manslaughter?

 intent to cause death or serious harm, while manslaughter is typically an unintentional killing, often due to recklessness or negligence.


what is the term for driving with a willful and want disregard for the safety of others- reckless driving.

Reckless driving


What is the role of the prosecutor in a criminal case?

who is  responsible for presenting evidence, questioning witnesses, and arguing the case against the defendant on behalf of the government.


This property crime involves the unauthorized marking or defacement of public or private property with paint or other substances. What is it called?

What is vandalism?


How does the defense build a case for mitigating circumstances in criminal trials?

possible present evidence of mitigating circumstances, such as mental health issues or duress, to reduce the severity of charges or penalties.


What is the importance of forensic evidence in solving homicide cases?

 such as DNA analysis, fingerprints, and ballistics, plays a crucial role in establishing facts, linking suspects to the crime, and providing key information for solving homicide cases.


What is the legal term for an inential act by one person that creates an apprehension of another in physcial contact



What is the principle of double jeopardy?

it protects individuals from being tried for the same offense twice after they have already been acquitted or convicted, preventing multiple punishments for the same act.


Engaging in the purchase or possession of items known to be stolen is a crime. What is the legal term for this offense?

What is receiving stolen goods?


In what ways can a defense attorney challenge the admissibility of evidence presented by the prosecution?

they can challenge evidence on various grounds, including issues related to the Fourth Amendment (unlawful search and seizure) or questioning the reliability and relevance of presented evidence.
