Criminal Law
Law Enforcement Procedures
Constitutional rights
Community Policing
Criminal Justice System

What is the primary purpose of criminal law?

The primary purpose of criminal law is to maintain public order, protect individuals and property, and deter criminal behavior by establishing penalties for violations.


What is the role of a police officer?

The role of a police officer includes enforcing laws, maintaining public order, preventing crime, investigating offenses, apprehending offenders, and providing assistance to the community.


What does the 7th amendment protect?

The 7th amendment protects the right to a jury trial in federal civil cases, and prevents judges from overturning a jury's findings of fact.


What is community policing?

Community policing is a strategy that focuses on building positive relationships between police officers and community members to collaboratively address issues of crime and social disorder.


What are the main components of the criminal justice system?

The main components of the criminal justice system include law enforcement (police), the judicial system (courts), and corrections (prisons and rehabilitation programs).


Define a felony.

A felony is a serious crime that is typically punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death, as opposed to a misdemeanor, which is a less severe offense.


Describe the process of an arrest.

  • The process of an arrest typically involves identifying the suspect, informing them of the charges, taking them into custody, conducting a search for weapons or evidence, and ensuring their rights are observed (e.g., Miranda rights).


What rights does the Fifth Amendment guarantee?

The Fifth Amendment guarantees the right to due process, protection against self-incrimination, and protection against double jeopardy.


Name two benefits of community policing.

Two benefits of community policing are improved community trust and cooperation with law enforcement and a reduction in crime through proactive engagement and problem-solving.


Define "corrections" within the criminal justice system.

Corrections refers to the system of agencies and programs responsible for managing individuals who have been convicted of crimes, including incarceration, probation, and parole.


What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?

The main difference is the severity of the crime; felonies are more serious offenses with harsher penalties, while misdemeanors are less serious offenses, often punishable by fines or shorter jail sentences.


What is probable cause?

Probable cause is a reasonable belief, based on facts and circumstances, that a crime has been committed or that evidence of a crime is present, justifying searches, seizures, or arrests.


Explain the concept of "due process", and what amendment grants it?

Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights owed to a person, ensuring fair treatment through the normal judicial system, especially as a citizen's entitlement, and is granted by the 6th amendment. 


How does community policing differ from traditional policing?

Community policing differs from traditional policing by emphasizing community involvement, problem-solving, and prevention, rather than solely focusing on responding to incidents and enforcing laws.


What is the role of the prosecutor?

The role of the prosecutor is to represent the government in criminal cases, presenting evidence against the accused, making legal decisions regarding charges, and advocating for justice.


Explain the concept of "double jeopardy."

Double jeopardy is a legal principle that prohibits an individual from being tried twice for the same offense in the same jurisdiction, protecting against multiple punishments for the same crime.


Explain the significance of the Miranda rights.

The Miranda rights are significant because they inform suspects of their right to remain silent and to have an attorney present during questioning, protecting their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.


What is the significance of the 8th Amendment?

The 8th Amendment prohibits the government from imposing excessive bail, fines, and cruel and unusual punishments.


Describe a successful community policing strategy.

A successful community policing strategy could be neighborhood watch programs, where residents collaborate with local police to monitor their communities and report suspicious activities.


Explain the function of a jury in a trial.

The function of a jury is to listen to the evidence presented during the trial, deliberate, and reach a verdict regarding the guilt or innocence of the defendant based on the standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt."


What are the elements required to establish a crime?

The elements typically required to establish a crime include: (1) a criminal act (actus reus), (2) a mental state (mens rea), (3) causation (the act caused the harm), and (4) the harm itself.


What is the process for obtaining a search warrant?

The process for obtaining a search warrant involves law enforcement submitting an affidavit to a judge or magistrate, demonstrating probable cause that evidence of a crime will be found at a specific location. If approved, the warrant is issued.


Discuss the impact of the Fourth Amendment on law enforcement.

The Fourth Amendment impacts law enforcement by requiring them to have probable cause for searches and seizures, leading to the need for search warrants, and protecting citizens from arbitrary intrusions.


What role do citizens play in community policing?

Citizens play a vital role in community policing by actively participating in crime prevention efforts, providing feedback to law enforcement, and collaborating with officers to address community concerns.


Discuss the differences between juvenile and adult justice systems.

  • The juvenile justice system focuses on rehabilitation and reintegration of young offenders, often using more lenient measures, while the adult justice system emphasizes punishment and deterrence, with harsher penalties for crimes.
