Where did the word sheriff come from?
Shire reeve
What are the three levels of policing?
Federal, state, and local
What are small areas with high levels of crime and violence called?
Hot spots
What are the constitutional rights that law enforcement officers must inform a suspect of before conducting an interrogation?
Which crime measurement program only counts crimes recorded by law enforcement agencies?
The UCR (Uniform Crime Report)
Who is the father or modern policing?
Sir Robert Peele
Who is the highest-ranking police officer in a city or town and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the police department?
The Police Chief
Name three basic functions of the police.
enforcing the law, maintaining order, preventing and investigating crime; responding to emergencies and non-emergencies, patrolling assigned areas, conducting traffic stops and issuing citations, searching databases for vehicle or other records and warrants, working with other public safety agencies
Which Amendment protects individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures?
The 4th Amendment
Which crime measurement program reports crimes experienced by individuals, whether or not they were reported?
The NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey)
Who committed the domestic terrorist truck bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma?
Timothy James McVeigh
Which agency enforces the laws and regulations on controlled substances in the United State?
The DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)
Which police strategy involves identifying and analyzing problems to develop effective responses?
Problem-Solving Policing
What is the legal standard that gives law enforcement the right to search, seize, or arrest someone?
Probable cause
What two groups are Part I offenses categorized by?
Violent crimes and property crimes
What is the name of the federal agency that provided grants to state and local governments to help reduce crime and strengthen law enforcement?
The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA)
What does SARA, a problem-solving framework that law enforcement agencies use to address community issues, stand for?
Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Assessment
Which law enforcement strategy assigns officers to specific neighborhoods to improve police-community relations and crime control?
Team Policing
Which case ruled that evidence obtained by violating the 4th Amendment cannot be used in state courts?
Mapp v. Ohio
In which of James Q. Wilson's styles of policing do officers have a high degree of discretion?
Which experiment found that varying levels of routine police patrol had no measurable impact on crime rates?
Kansas City Preventative Patrol Experiment
What is the difference between the centralized and decentralized models of state-level agencies?
Centralized is organized under a single command and decentralized is organized to distribute power.
What is the proactive law enforcement model that analyzes data to identify criminal activity patterns and then uses that information to develop strategies?
Strategic Policing
Which case held that the police may only search the arrestee and the area immediately around them?
Chimel v. California
Which of James Q. Wilson's styles of policing prioritizes the needs of the community rather than strictly enforcing laws?