Civil Procedure
Criminal Law
Law School

Examples include: statutes, case law, the Constitution, the Executive Branch

What are: Sources of Law


A legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring adherence to a standard of reasonable 'protection'

*Double points if you can identify three potentially qualifying individuals!*

What is: A Duty of Care

Manufacturers, Medical Professionals, Wild/Exotic Animal Owners, Parents, First Responders


A state statute extending jurisdiction over nonresidents who have had contacts with such state.

What is: Long-arm Statute

(See: Hess v. Powlaski)


When an act is too attenuated from a result to be a LEGAL cause of that result

What is: Proximate Cause


He dresses like the Bluebook every year and has a dog named Big Poodle.

Who is: Prof. Charles


A principle or rule established in a previous legal case that is either binding on or persuasive for a court or other tribunal when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts

What is: stare decisis


Examples include: Storing or demolishing explosives, disposing of hazardous chemical waste, and safari animal manicuring. 

What is: an Abnormally Dangerous Activity


Provides that a federal court exercising diversity jurisdiction over a claim based on a state-created right or obligation must apply the substantive law of the state and federal procedural law.

What is: the Erie Doctrine

The theory that jury nullification should address racial inequality for nonviolent, victimless crimes.

What is Butler's race-based proposal to jury selection?


an organization of students at a law school that publish scholarly journals focusing on legal issues, they also have a fridge in their office

What is: Law Review


A document or recording that relates or discusses information originally presented elsewhere

What is: a Secondary Source


A Common Law theory stating after a certain event, a dog/pet owner is aware of and responsible for the animal's vicious propensities.

What is: the "One Free Bite" Rule 


A final ruling that there is no genuine issue of material fact in dispute and that the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.

What is: Summary Judgment


Under MPC 2.02(7): Knowledge can be established by a HIGH PROBABILITY of belief in a fact as long as there is not a lack of actual belief

What is: Willful Blindness


Activity in which participants take part in simulated court or arbitration proceedings, usually involving drafting memoranda and participating in oral argument. Gonzaga has a few.

What is: Moot Court


A set of treatises on legal subjects that seek to inform judges and lawyers about general principles of Common Law

What are: Restatements of Law


A term for certain assurances that are presumed to be made in the sale of products or real property, due to the circumstances of the sale

What is: An Implied Warranty


A doctrine permitting a court to dismiss a case over which it has jurisdiction if an alternate jurisdiction is more convenient for hearing the matter.

What is: forum non conveniens

(See: Piper v. Reyno)


This (sexist) Common Law defense to manslaughter is available when there's evidence of external provocation, producing a subjective loss of self-control by a reasonable person, caused by 'adequate' provocation by the victim.

What is: the Heat of Passion defense


An alliance of Latina/o students providing a social network to help students navigate the rigors of law school, promote higher education and provide mentorship

What is: the Latina/o Law Student Association (LLSA)


Both of these are online legal research services for lawyers and students.

What are: LexisNexis and Westlaw


A doctrine that infers negligence from the very nature of an accident or injury in the absence of direct evidence on how any defendant behaved.

What is: res ipsa loquitur


Test for determining whether a forum’s courts may constitutionally exercise specific personal jurisdiction over a defendant based on whether the effects of the defendant’s intentionally tortious conduct were felt in the state.

What is: the Calder Effects Test


A way for one person to become liable for the criminal acts of another.

What is: Accomplice Liability


His name is Zion. He's a federal agent. He sweeps the school before district court judges visit.

Who is: an explosives detection canine ('bomb dog')
