What is the name of the muggle family that Harry lives with?
The Dursleys
What type of creature does Harry purchase in Diagon Alley?
An owl
How many houses are there at Hogwarts?
What position does Harry play on the quidditch team?
How does Harry get the 3-headed dog to fall asleep?
He plays music on a flute
What magical family does Ron belong to?
The Weasleys
Who does Fang belong to?
Who is the headmaster?
Albus Dumbeldore
What kind of broom does Harry get?
A Nimbus 2000
What was underneath Professor Quirrel's turban?
Voldemort's face
What is the name of Dudley's friend who goes to the zoo with him?
What kind of magical creature is Firenze?
A centaur
How does a member of Gryffendor enter their dormitory?
Entering behind the portrait of the fat lady
Who is the captain of Gryffendor's quidditch team?
Oliver Wood
What kind of puzzle does Hermione solve in the chamber of secrets?
A logic puzzle with 7 bottles of potions
Who teaches potions class at Hogwarts?
Professor Snape
Who is Norbert?
Hagrid's illegal dragon
Which character came very close to losing their head (but not quite)?
Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost.
How many points do you score if you get a Quaffle through the hoops?
Who was drinking unicorn blood in the forest?
Prof. Quirrell (for Voldemort!)
What is Madam Pomfrey's role at Hogwarts?
She is the nurse.
Which 4-legged character at Hogwarts acts as a spy for someone else?
Mrs. Norbert, Filch's cat.
What does a person see in The Mirror of Erised?
Their greatest desire/what they want most to see
What curse does Hermione want to use to keep Harry safe during the big game?
The leg locker curse
What does Ron do in the giant game of chess?
He sacrifices himself and gets beaten up by a chess piece