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Grab Bag 2

___ usually suggests hope, renewal, OR intellectual illumination; ____  implies the unknown, ignorance, or despair.

What is Light vs. Darkness?


This character is the one ultimately who may fulfill a necessary task and who will restore fertility, harmony, and/or justice to a community. A born leader whether they know it or not.

Who is the Hero Archetype?


Batman vs. Bane is an example of this situational archetype.

What is Good Vs. Evil?


This color recurrently represents Chaos, Death, Evil, and/or the unconscious.

What is the symbolic color Black?


This book was written by Joseph Campbell and outlines the Hero's Journey.

What is Hero with a Thousand Faces?


This is a concrete or real thing that represents something else (an idea, thought, concept) that is repeated or re-occurs in other works.

What is an archetypal symbol?


Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games is at first innocent, but then endures training and a ritual to fit this Character Archetype.

What is The Initiate? (and/or Hero)


In the Battle between Good and Evil, typically _____ ultimately triumphs over _______, despite great odds.

What is Good over Evil?


This color represents Fire, Pride, Ambition, Egoism

What is the color orange?


George Lucas' Star Wars is inspired by whose writings?

Who is Joseph Campbell?


Without communicating about archetypes, all cultures around the world use them to build their stories.

What is True?


Princess Leia and Han Solo follow this character pattern because they never leave Luke’s side and they make sure he is safe and able to complete his quest.  

What are the Loyal Retainers?


Not to be confused with the initiation, this situation refers to an organized ceremony that involves honored members of a given community and an Initiate.

What is "The Ritual"?

This can by physical or psychological and indicates a loss of innocence or purity. Often the pain from this drives the sufferer to desperate measures of madness.
What is The Unhealable Wound?
This psychologist developed the idea of the collective unconscious.
Who is Carl Jung?

This character's stunning beauty and ability to manipulate can cause the hero to fall into a trap. Sometimes this character is just plain evil, but most of the time they have had to use this technique to survive or get ahead. 

Who is the temptress/seductress? 


This type of aid is provided to the Hero Archetype

What is Supernatural?


This refers to a skilled individual hero's ability to use this technology in order to combat evil, continue a journey, or prove his/her identity.

What is the Magic Weapon?


___ often represents knowledge, rebirth while ___ represents ignorance, sterility, and death.

What is Fire vs. Ice? 


This refers to situations which suggest that nature is good whereas the forces of technology are bad.

What is Nature Vs. Mechanistic World?


This two word phrase means that each of your experiences is not unique to you as an individual, but is shared by all humankind.

What is "Collective Unconscious"?


This archetypal plot describes a descent in action from a higher to a lower state of being, an experience which might involve defilement, moral imperfection, and/or loss of innocence. The character may find themselves suffering from a personal weakness that causes them to lose stature. This  is often accompanied by expulsion from a kind of paradise as penalty for disobedience and/or moral transgression.

What is The Fall? 


Some characters exhibit wisdom and understanding intuitively as opposed to those supposedly in charge.

What is "Innate Wisdom vs. Educated Stupidity"?


This is often a metaphor for isolation. Without the rules of society, this setting strips away characters down to the very basics of humanity. People are separated from their society which can have a positive or negative effect on characters.

What is The Island?


Tension often results from separation during childhood or from an external source when the individuals meet as men and where the mentor often has a higher place in the affections of the hero than the natural parent. Sometimes the conflict is resolved in atonement.

What is Father-Son Conflict?
