Theater not Theatre
It's Showtime!
Pick Your Poison
Auditorium Stuff
Nope - You're Not The One, Sorry
You Look Marvelous!

This type of theatre has the stage in the center, which can be either square or circular. Some of this type are called "in the round"

What is an arena theater?


The house manager is responsible for making sure this "final cast member" is happy, comfortable, and observing theatre rules

What is the audience?


Theatrical performance genre that incorporates dialogue, singing and dancing to tell a story

What is a musical?


The front of a stage, nearest to the audience, is called this in theatre

What is downstage?


A casting director is responsible for selecting actors for these specific positions

What are roles?


This person is responsible for creating and/or precuring clothing, so the actors can look like their play characters

Who is the costume designer?


This type of theater does not have wings in the stage area, which protrudes out into the house area. Audience is seated on three sides

What is a thrust stage?


This is the person who supervises those taking payment and giving out tickets to a theatrical performance

What is the box office manager?


A genre of theatre that emphasizes action, and sometimes, exaggerated conflicts and dilemnas

What is melodrama?


Most proscenium stages have this bowed semi-circular floored area in front of the Grand Drape; it covers the orchestra pit

What is the apron?


This is one key mistake new actors make in auditions; they try too hard and do this

What is overact?


According to theatrical costume designer William Ivey Long, what is one effective way to combat costume designers block?

What is to put a photo wall of inspirational images?


This is the most widely used theatre space. A very large framing structure divides the venue space into two sections: the stage and the house

What is a proscenium theatre?


This person is in charge when and where all actors must be, in both rehearsal and the shows

Who is the stage manager?


A family-friendly genre of theatre with interesting characters, usually animals, that can be performed with flashy costumes, or in some cases, puppets

What is children's theatre?


A defined area where the lights and sound are operated from

What is the control box?


This person is responsible for serving as a go-between for casting directors and prospective actors

What is an agent?


Willa Kim disagreed when William Ivey called costume design "a craft"; she instead referred to it as this

What is "an art"?


This type of theatre is modular and can be shifted around to have customized seating and performance

What is flexible theatre?


This person creates the stage environment, and then sends plans to the builders to construct it

What is the scenic (set) designer?


Genre of theatre involving multiple storylines, conflicts, plot twists, and other literary devices that leave the audience wondering how the plot will be resolved in the end

What is a mystery?


A type of pulley system meant for theatrical use; allows curtains, lights and scenic elements to be raised and lowered

What is a fly system?


This is a large picture of an actor in their portfolio package; assists casting director in pre-selection of auditionees

What is a headshot?


To the layperson, costume designers are often confused with this type of professional

What is a fashion designer?


This is an auditorium space constructed in a way to maximize acoustical effects. Ideal for musical groups and performers

What is a concert hall?


This person oversees the entire production, and is involved in every single process, from casting to the final ticket being sold

What is the producer?


This is a type of dramatic theatre that has a devastating event or two, which could be anything including famine, curses and war. The protagonist usually end up with a tragic loss of some sort in the denouement

What is tragedy?


A large white curtain on stage where scenic backdrops or widespread ambient lighting takes place

What is the cyclorama?


This "simple, but effective" casting practice occurs when actors are selected for roles where they greatly resemble the character

What is typecasting?


One major design characteristic costumer designers seek is one of uniformity and balance, often called this

What is line?
