When is Layla’s real birthday?
November 23rd 2010
Name 3 major Fashion cities
London, New York, Milan, Paris
Which city is the statue of liberty in?
New York City
How many dwarfs are in Snow White
What is the capital of Germany?
What country was Layla born in?
USA, California
Which is the most popular fashion magazine
How many rings does the Olympic logo have?
What is the name of rapunzel’s mother?
Mother Gothel
Vatican City
How tall is Layla?
Which brand is famous for their Red bottoms?
Christian Louboutin
How many planets are in our Solar System?
8 planets
What does Hakuna Matata mean
No worries
Which country and city is Mount Everest in?
Nepal, Kathmandu
Name 5 of Layla’s favorite colors
(black,white,silver,gold) count
Pink, Blue, Dark green, White, Silver
Name 3 female designers
Donatella Versace, Coco Chanel, Miuccia Prada, Vivienne Westwood, Stella McCartney
How many hearts does an octopus have
Who is Sven?
Kristoff’s reindeer
How many countries are in the world?
What is Layla’s dream job
be specific!
Who is the only model with the title UBERMODEL
Gisele Bunchden
How many keys are in a piano?
What city does Jasmine live in?
Which city is nicknamed ’The Big Apple’
New York City