Miscellaneous / Random

How did Lyndon B. Johnson become President?

He was Vice President to John F. Kennedy when JFK was assassinated.


What country did Richard Nixon create new diplomatic relations with during his presidency?



What is inflation? What is stagflation?

Inflation is when prices rise. Stagflation is when you have high prices and high unemployment.


Why is Sandra Day O'Connor significant?

She was the first female Supreme Court Justice and she was nominated by Ronald Reagan.


What does the EPA stand for and what does it do?

Environmental Protection Agency and it regulates pollution and the environment in the U.S.


How did LBJ respond to the Gulf of Tonkin attack by the North Vietnamese?

LBJ sent more U.S. troops and escalated the Vietnam War.


What country did Nixon relax tensions with? What was that called?

Nixon eased tensions with the Soviet Union and it was called Détente.


Why did OPEC countries place an embargo (stop selling) on oil to the U.S.?

OPEC countries were upset at the U.S. being allies with Israel.


What was a social issue did Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy try to address?

The War on Drugs. Reagan advocated for mandatory minimums and harsher sentences.


What did the 26th Amendment do? Why was there a push to pass the 26th Amendment in the 1970s?

The 26th Amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. There was a push to lower the voting age because men would be drafted to fight in Vietnam at 18, but couldn't vote.


What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? What two branches were involved?

Congress voted to give the President full military power. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution involved the legislative and executive branches.

What group of people quietly supported the Vietnam War?

The Silent Majority.


How did the U.S. respond to the oil embargo from OPEC countries?

Jimmy Carter created the Department of Energy to try and promote alternative forms of energy like nuclear, solar, wind, etc.


What regions are the Sun Belt and the Rust Belt? Why did people move from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt?

The Sun Belt are Southern states and California. The Rust Belt is the Northeast and the Midwest. People moved from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt for better jobs and opportunities in the South.


What was the War Powers Act? What two branches were involved?

The War Powers Act gave military power / the ability to declare war back to Congress from the President. The two branches involved were the legislative branch and the executive branch.


What two important pieces of legislation did LBJ push through as President? What did they do?

LBJ pushed for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended segregation in public spaces. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated barriers for people to vote, like literacy tests.


What was Vietnamization?

Nixon wanted to slowly get the U.S. troops out of Vietnam so South Vietnamese soldiers were trained by U.S. troops.


What are the Camp David Accords?

A peace deal between Israel and Egypt that Jimmy Carter helped to broker (create) at Camp David.


What was the Iran Contras Affair? What was an impact of the Iran Contras Affair?

The U.S. secretly sold guns to Iran and gave that profit to Contras in Nicaragua, who were fighting the Communist government. The Iran Contras Affair increased the credibility gap between the government and Americans.


Why were Marines sent to Lebanon? What happened to them?

The U.S. sent Marines to Lebanon to help and restore peace after the Israeli-Lebanon War. Some Marines were killed in a suicide bombing and the rest were sent back to the U.S.

What was The Great Society and what was one specific thing it did?

The Great Society was programs championed by LBJ to eliminate poverty in the U.S. Some of the programs included the Economic Opportunity Act, job trainings / vocational trainings, and expansion of healthcare through medicare.


What was Watergate AND what was an impact of Watergate?

Richard Nixon hired people to spy and then tried to cover it up. He resigned before he could get removed from office. The Watergate scandal led to a wide credibility gap between Americans and the government.


What was the Iranian Hostage Crisis? What was an impact of the Iranian Hostage Crisis on Jimmy Carter's presidency? 

Angry Iranian students held Americans hostage for 444 days and released them when Jimmy Carter left office. The Iranian Hostage Crisis hurt Jimmy Carter's image as president and showed weakness in the U.S.


What were two economic policies from Reagan and what was one impact?

Reagan proposed to cut taxes, cut social programs, increase the military budget, and deregulate businesses. Some impacts include larger national debt, social programs were reduced, a wide gap between the poor and the wealthy expanded, inflation was better, and more people felt comfortable opening businesses.


What was the purpose of Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act?

The Community Reinvestment Act required banks to give loans to people in lower income areas.
