What is Ethos?
The audience’s perception of a speaker’s credibility and moral character.
Which Greek Philosopher believed rhetoric can play a big part in democracy?
What are the two types of persuasive speeches?
Speeches to Convince
Speeches to Actuate
What is a Red Hearing?
A distraction from the argument, has nothing to do with anything going on. New topic presented to distract from original argument.
What does High Power Distance and Low Power distance mean?
the degree to which the culture believes that institutional and organizational power should be distributed unequally and the decisions of the power holders should be challenged or accepted
What is coersion?
A process whereby thoughts or behaviors are altered. But in coercive acts, deceptive or harmful methods propel the intended changes, not reason.
What are two attention getting strategies to use in your speech?
Tell a Story
Refer to the Occasion
Refer to Recent or Historical Events
Refer to Previous Speeches
Refer to Personal Interest
Use Startling Statistics
Use an Analogy
Use a Quotation
Ask a Question
Use Humor
What are three barriers to listening?
What is an Ad Hominem fallacy?
Attacking the person and not the argument.
What is monochronic time mean in a cultural pattern?
To people in monochronic cultures, linear time is tangible and can be ‘saved, spent, lost, wasted,’ etc. People from monochronic cultures tend to focus on one thing at a time. Schedules and deadlines are sacrosanct and punctuality is highly regarded.
What is Groupthink?
Groupthink is a term that refers to a faulty sense of agreement that occurs when group members seemingly agree but they primarily want to avoid conflict.
What's the difference between communication and language?
Communication occurs when we try to transfer what is in our minds to the minds of our audience.
Language, on the other hand, is the means by which we communicate—a system of symbols we use to form messages.
How can you communicate non-verbally that you are listening?
Leaning in.
Asking questions after the speech.
Attentive eye contact during the speech.
What is an Appeal to Emotion fallacy?
This fallacy occurs with the use of highly emotive or charged language. The force of the fallacy lies in its ability to motivate the audience to accept the truth of the proposition based ONLY on their visceral response to the words used.
What culture values are ‘masculine’ behaviors?
Examples like praising assertiveness and the acquisition of wealth
What is Ethnocentrism?
The notion that one’s own culture is superior to any other.
What are Aristotle’s Modes of Persuasion?
What are the four common types of group presentations?
Debate, Forum, Panel, Symposium
What is a Straw Man Fallacy?
This fallacy occurs when the actual argument appears to be refuted, but in reality a related point is addressed.
Is the United States more Individuaistic or Collective in cultural pattern?
What are Boolean Operators when searching for sources?
Words and symbols that illustrate the relationship between search terms and help the search engine expand or limit results.
What are the four functions of Informative Speeches?
o Provide Knowledge
o Shape Perceptions
o Articulate Alternatives
o Allow us to Survive and Evolve
How should you handle a hostile audience?
Wait to state your goal until later in the speech.
Identified areas of agreement and focus on those.
Acknowledge reservations the audience might have.
Cite credible sources.
What is the fallacy of quantitative logic?
focus on the grammatical structure of the proposition like the use of a quantifying word such as “all” or “some.”
What is Uncertainty Avoidance?
uncertainty avoidance dimension refers to “the extent to which the culture feels threatened by ambiguous, uncertain situations and tries to avoid them by establishing more structure”