The sense of smell
What is the Olfactory nerve?
On both sides of the thalamus; Memory and Motivation
What is the Limbic system?
Located in the front, the biggest lobe (in pink)
What is the Frontal Lobe?
Responsible for fight or flight(body's response to danger)
What is Sympathetic?
The bony structure separating the oral cavity and the nasal cavity; does not move
What is the Maxilla?
Oversees taste of Anterior 2/3rd of tongue
Hunger, monitors blood levels of glucose, salt, blood pressure, and hormones
What is the Hypothalamus?
Auditory reception, to make sense of what you are hearing (in green)
What is the Temporal Lobe?
Groups of axons that get together to form a message. It's like a highway, going from one way to another in regards of nerves
What is Tracts?
The farthest away from where the structure begins (the fingers)
What is Distal?
Serves sensation of tongue
What is the Lingual Nerve?
Learning, the input of memory, has an association with the hypothalamus, the executive section of the frontal lobes
What is the Hippocampus?
Plays a role in balance, coordination, and voluntary motor skills (in purple)
What is the Cerebellum?
All involuntary muscle(viscera; internal organs)
What is Autonomic?
Striated: Can move, like your arm
Smooth: can't move voluntarily
Heart : Both striated and smooth
What are the 3 types of muscles?
The 11th cranial nerve; contraction of neck and shoulder Muscles
What is the Accessory nerve?
Directly behind the oropharynx; Secretes most of hormones
What is the Pituitary Gland?
Visual input: shapes and sizes (in yellow)
What is the Occipital Lobe?
Makes sure the heart rate goes back to the normal rate
What is Parasympathetic?
Outgoing info has a covering over to insulate it and conducts electrical impulses along the neuron cell
What are Axons?
What is the Glossopharyngeal nerve?
Plays role in aggression, emotions, sexual behaviors
What is the Amygdala?
In charge of sensory input, contributes to solving problems (in blue)
What is the Parietal Lobe?
Nerves that are sensory, ex: an itch, a toxic stimulus that goes to the brain(cranial nerves) sensory nerves go to the motor to convey the movement of the hand to reach the nose and relieve the itch
What is Somatic afferent?
Area of brain oversees production of end button neurotransmitter
What is Substantia nigra?