Current name for the original worship space at LCGS
What is Shepherd Hall?
A Lutheran Church body formed in 1988 by the merger of 3 other Lutheran bodies and has nearly 3 million members.
What is the ELCA?
A statement of belief, coming from the Latin word which means "I believe."
What is creed?
These are made every other Monday morning by dedicated ladies of LCGS.
What are quilts?
A recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church.
What is a denomination?
What is the year that LCGS was founded?
A renewing movement in the church begun by Martin Luther in 1517.
What is the Reformation?
A teaching tool in question and answer form, often used in confirmation classes, to teach the basics of the Christian faith.
What is a catechism?
LCGS' name for Sunday School
What is Kids' Community?
The sacrament recalling Jesus' meal with his disciples which we celebrate regularly.
What is the Lord's Supper, Communion, or the Eucharist?
Welcome to long-time Lutherans, Christians from every tradition...
What is the start of Good Shepherd's Welcome Statement.
LCGS, Holy Cross, Faith Lutheran & Lord of Mercy
What are the ELCA churches in Reno-Sparks?
A rite of the Church instituted by Jesus and a sign of God's grace. Lutherans have 2 of these.
What is a sacrament?
Destination for the dinner that LCGS folks prepare every Monday.
What is Eddy House?
The sacrament signifying one's entry into the family of faith.
What is baptism?
GS is known as a "______ in _______" congregation, one of 1,109 Lutheran congregations which advocate for full participation of LGBTQIA+ individuals into the life of the church.
What is Reconciling in Christ?
A governing body of the church encompassing a particular geographic region. LCGS is part of the Sierra Pacific.
What is a synod?
An ancient statement of belief (from 4th century). It is recited frequently at LCGS and is always used at baptism.
What is the Apostles' Creed?
Good Shepherd supports this organization, which seeks to equip churches to provide loving homes for children in foster care.
What is Foster the City?
Representing a number of different Christian Churches and promoting cooperation and unity among them.
What is ecumenical?
This couple is normally found in either Shepherd Hall or the Welcome Space and often dress up on church holidays.
Who are Martin and Katie Luther?
These were hung on the church in Wittenberg by Martin Luther.
What are the 95 Theses?
An in-depth and ancient statement of belief of the Christian Church written in the 4th century. It is used infrequently at LCGS.
What is the Nicene Creed?
Program that fills 84 grocery bags/month to feed folks in our community who are in need.
What is Shared Harvest?
The other two Lutheran Church denominations found in the USA, having 1.8 million members and 336,000 members, respectively.
What are WELS and LCMS?