Therapy Theories
Defense Mechanisms

What are 4 Common Medications to Treat Depressive Disorders? And what class of drugs do they belong to?

Prozac (Fluoxetine); Celexa (Citalopram); Zoloft (Sertraline);Lexapro (Escitalopram); Paxil (Paroxetine);Luvox (Fluvoxamine)



Change happens by learning to modify dysfunctional thought patterns.

What is CBT?


Distorts reality and does not acknowledge emotion. 

What is Denial? 

Uncommon in very young children-unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. 

An alcoholic attends a recovery program but continues to drink alcohol. 


This type of research is typically identified as being: 

Void of randomization of either subjects or treatment and/or the lack of comparison groups. 

It strives to answer the question does a treatment or intervention have an impact? and What is the relationship between program practices and outcomes?

What is Quasi-Experimental Design?


Thorazine, Zyprexa, Haldol, and Seroquel are commonly prescribed to treat what kind of disorder?

What is Schizophrenia?


Change through unresolved/unconscious issues.

What is Psychodynamic Therapy?


Affect is transferred from one object to another.

What is Displacement? 

- A man yells at his spouse because he is unable to express anger towards his boss. 

-A person compulsively eats lollipops after having quit smoking.  


Research where the subject serves as his/her own control, rather than using another individual/group.

Medical social worker evaluating if texts improve medical compliance in diabetic patients. Texts clients daily for a month while measuring compliance, then stops texting and measures compliance again. 

What is a Single Subject Design?


This medication is an add-on treatment to be used in conjunction with another medication for depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, when the other drug alone is not enough.

What is Abilify?


****DAILY DOUBLE******

Many family problems arise as a result of maladaptive boundaries and subsystems within the family system. Addresses relationship dynamics of a whole family.

Change through recognizing disempowering social forces and empowering client. 

What is Structural Family therapy? 

What is Feminist Therapy?


A process by which unacceptable impulses are expressed as their opposites. 

What is Reaction Formation? 

- Helps release anxiety and guilt associated with the true impulse. 

- An angry supervisee is overly nice to his supervisor. 

- A man who is gay openly dates women and criticizes gay men. 


A term that means the degree to which the tool measures what it claims to measure?

What is Validity?


**********DAILY DOUBLE!!!**********

Lithium and Abilify are commonly prescribed to treat what kind of disorders?

Name to medications that treat ADHD?

What is Mood Disorders?

What is  Ritalin/Concerta (Methylphenidate); Adderall (Amphetamine); Dexedrine (Dextroamphetamine) 


Change behavior through reinforcements and punishment. Identify the problem, monitor behavior, and reinforce desired behavior. 

What is Behavioral Therapy?


Avoid being punished for undesirable thoughts or actions. 

What is Undoing? 

A spouse unconsciously undoes his many adulterous acts by buying his partner lavish gifts.


Studies that measure the effect of an intervention by randomly assigning groups or individuals to either an intervention group or a controlled group? 

What is Randomized Controlled Trial?

This is difficult to do in social work practice because it  could be considered unethical to withhold treatment to people who need it , in order to make a " control group"


********DAILY DOUBLE!!!!*********

Valium and Xanax are mostly prescribed to treat what kind of disorders? And what class of drugs do they belong to?

Alprazolam and Diazepam are mostly prescribed to treat what kind of disorders? And what class of drugs do they belong to?

What is Anxiety Disorders?

What is Benzodiazepines?


Change through finding meaning in life. Founded upon the belief that striving to find meaning in one's life is the primary most powerful motivating force.

What is Logotherapy?


********DAILY DOUBLE******

An Adolescent uses this type of mechanism to cope with sexual tension and desire by refusing to engage in all pleasurable activities. 

A Person uses this mechanism when speaking of his traumatic childhood as if reading a scripted story. 

What is Ascetism ? 

What is Intellectualization?

A term that means the overall consistency of a measure.

What is Reliability? 

If two different social workers administer the same interview to a client, do they get the same results?

Higher reliability indicates a measure will produce statistically similar results under consistent experimental conditions. 
