Do to Mi is this interval
What is a 3rd
The music term for "soft"
What is piano
Major key signature with no sharps or flats
What is C major
Artist whose hits include Industry Baby and Old Town Road
Who is Lil' Nas X
Mr. Oldenburg's wife works here
What is LCWM Elementary
G to D is this interval
What is a 5th
A note that is short or "choppy"
What is staccato
Major key signature with 1 flat
what is F major
Invented in the 1700s, this instrument was the first of its kind to play both loud and soft
What is the piano
The number of kids Mr. Oldenburg has
Do to La is this interval
What is a 6th
To hold a note until the conductor cuts you off
The number of sharps in E major
What is 4
What is country
Mr. Oldenburg's favorite sports team
Who are the Green Bay Packers
E to D is this interval
What is a 7th
to sing or play a phrase with a smooth and connected line
What is legato
Major key signature with 5 flats
What is D flat major
Popular British band from the 1960s
Who are the Beatles
Mr. Oldenburg's favorite instrument to play
What is the guitar
A to D is this interval
What is a 4th
to gradually increase in volume
What is crescendo
The number of sharps in F sharp major
What is 6
Who is Guns and Roses
The college that Mr. Oldenburg attended
What is Viterbo University