The number of Apostles that Jesus had when he was in Jerusalem
What is 12?
The thing that I saw when I looked out my window
What is Popcorn popping in the apricot tree?
The Bishop of our ward
Who is Bishop _______?
The total number of articles of faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
What is 13?
This continent is the largest on planet Earth
What is Asia?
At a wedding, this was Jesus's first recorded miracle
What is turning water into wine?
This song states that "I like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain"
What is When I Am Baptised?
This former heart surgeon is the 17th prophet of the church
Who is Russel M. Nelson?
This Article of Faith states that we believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost
What is the First Article of Faith?
This is the total number of oceans that are recognized on planet Earth
What is one, three or four?
It can be one as all the ones named are connected. Most of the world recognizes three oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian. The Arctic Ocean is sometimes just treated as an estuary of the Atlantic Ocean.
This was the job of Simon Peter and several other future apostles of Jesus Christ.
What are Fisherman?
This is where "The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head"
Where is Away in a Manger?
This town is where the first temple was built in Alberta
What is Cardston?
This Article of Faith teaches that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam (nor Eve's) transgression
What is the Second Article of Faith?
At this temperature, water starts to boil. (Fahrenheit or Celsius)
What is 212 or 100 Degrees?
Before Paul was converted, he was known by this name
Who is Saul?
This song says that "I will go, I will do the thing the Lord commands"
What is Nephi's Courage?
This former pilot and current Apostle likes to tell airplane stories
Who is Dieter F. Uchtdorf?
This is the number of words in the first article of faith
What is 18?
What is the smallest Province in Canada?
Prince Edward Island (PEI)
This person was dead for more than three days before Jesus raised him from the dead
Who is Lazarus?
This hymn, written by Naomi W. Randall in 1957, has been translated into numerous languages and is often sung in Primary
What is "I Am a Child of God"?
The number of prophets who have shared the last name of Smith
What is 4? Joseph Smith Jr, Joseph F. Smith, George Albert Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith
The number of letters plus the number of characters (periods and commas) in the First Article of Faith.
What is 91?
This large country has the most people living within it
What is China?