Is the WOW mentiond in temple reccomend questions?
Yes, question 11
Can LDS people swim without a shirt?
Do LDS people celebrate Ash Wednesday?
No- thats catholic
Who was the president before Gordon B Hinckley?
Howard W. Hunter
What are the 4 main books that LDS people follow?
BOM, Bible, Pear of Great Price, D&C
Can LDS members have caffiene?
Yes, if they have it in moderation.
What are our bodies compared to?
A temple- Your body is your personal temple, created to house your eternal spirit.
Who is involved in the God head?
3 seperate beings- holy ghost, jesus, heavenly father
Who was the 3rd president of the church?
John Talyor
Where are the Sacrement Prayers found?
Moroni 4-5
How did prophets gain knowledge of the WOW?
Word of Wisdom was received on February 27, 1833, as a revelation from God.
what do we get out of being modest?
we can invite the companionship of the Spirit and exercise a good influence on those around us.
What was created because of Jesus Christ dying on the cross and living again?
The atonement?
How many presidents have there been in charge of the LDS Church?
17 Including Nelson
What is the 4th book in the BOM
What is included or prohibited in the WOW?
Prophets have taught members to avoid substances that are harmful, illegal, or addictive or that impair judgment.
What do you believe was the "template" of our bodies?
Your body was made in the image of God.
What do male youth get in the LDS church?
How old was President Monson when he passed away?
90 Years old
What is the 2025 youth theme?
D&C 6:36
When did the church stop using wine for the sacrement?
In the beginning of the 20th century, we have a record from Elder John Henry Smith, who makes a note that wine was not used when the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the First Presidency partook of the sacrament on July 5, 1906
Can LDS people get tattoos?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are counseled by Church leaders not to tattoo their bodies–as their body is considered a temple and a gift from God
How old is Elder Bednar? I'll take within 3 years
Word for word, what is D&C 6:36
“Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.”