I can submit my papers this many days before my availability date
What is 150 days
The Philippines Area Presidency launched the I Will Go, I Will Serve campaign, How many Missionary would be the goal?
This chapter teaches missionaries what to teach and how to teach it.
What is Chapter 3: What Do I Study and Teach.
This is the amount of water you should drink daily.
What is 6-12 glasses.
There are currently this many operating temples as of April 2024
what is 190
I can open my mission portal by doing this
what is meeting with my bishop to start the recommendation process.
This person holds the priesthood keys for your mission.
Who is the Mission President.
The Christlike Attributes activity can be found in this chapter.
What is Chapter 6: How Do I Develop Christlike Attributes.
Your daily diet should consist of these.
What are vegetables, fruits, grains, healthy fats and protein.
This was the first LDS temple built
What is Kirkland temple
As a missionary companionship, you are never allowed to be alone with someone who is younger than this age.
What is 18.
This person is responsible for interviewing candidates within a district for baptism.
Who is the district leader.
If you were learning a new language, you would go to this chapter.
What is Chapter 7: How Can I Better Learn My Mission Language.
You should do this daily, and walking around your area does not count.
What is exercise.
This happened to the nauvoo temple in 1848
what is destroyed by arson
There are a variety of unauthorized recreational activities for missionaries, name 3 of them.
What is contact sports, gymnastics, winter sports, water sports, mountain climbing, rock climbing, riding on motorcycles, horses, private boats or airplanes, handling firearms or using explosives/fireworks.
What is the Mission Leadership Council.
There are this many commandments to be taught in Lesson 4: The Commandments.
What is 12. (Obedience, Pray Often, Study the Scriptures, Keep the Sabbath Day Holy, Baptism and Confirmation, Follow the Prophet, Keep the Ten Commandments, Live the Law of Chastity, Obey the Word of Wisdom, Keep the Law of Tithing, Observe the Law of the Fast, Obey and Honor the Law)
These should be used every month for items you need.
What is mission funds.
Which of the following temples doesn't have a tower or spire? Tokyo Japan, Laie Hawaii, Boise Id, Orlando Florida
laie Hawaii
You should approach this person if you are struggling with any of the mission rules.
Who is the mission president.
These 6 positions make up the Young Missionary Leadership organization.
What is trainers, senior companions, district leaders, sister training leaders, zone leaders and assistants.
Your Purpose as a missionary as defined in Chapter 1.
What is invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.
Healthy grooming standards include these 7 things regularly...name 5
What is shower daily, brush teeth regularly, use deodorant daily, wash hair frequently, wash hands regularly, wearing sunscreen and choosing a neat, professional haircut that is easy to maintain.
This temple was the first temple constructed outside of the US
What is Cardston Alberta temple