Who appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery on May 15th 1929 to restore the Aaronic Priesthood?
John the Baptist
What is the youngest age a young man can be to be ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood?
What is an ordinance that needs priesthood authority?
Baptism, Confirmation, Receiving the temple endowment, marriage sealing, naming and blessing babies, administering to the sick, priesthood blessings of comfort, dedicating homes, passing the sacrament, setting apart members, patriarchal blessings
What is the power and authority that God gives to man to act in all things necessary for the salvation of God's children?
The priesthood
What age can a young man receive the Melchezidek priesthood?
How does a male receive the Priesthood?
From being ordained from someone who already holds priesthood keys
What John the Baptist commanded Joseph and Oliver to do first.
Be baptized
What are the 3 offices for Aaronic Priesthood holders?
Deacons, Teachers, and Priests
Who has all the priesthood keys and used them to create the world and perform miracles?
Jesus Christ
What is the purpose of having priesthood power?
The purpose of priesthood power is to help us become more like Him, receive revelation, help each other live the gospel, do missionary and temple work, and care for those in need. It magnifies us to be more than we could be on our own.
What are at least two duties of an Aaronic Priesthood holder?
Bless the sacrament, pass the sacrament, collect fast offerings, serve as a ministering brother.
Who is the only person authorized on earth to use all the priesthood keys?
The prophet
The blessings and gifts that Joseph and Oliver received after being baptized. JSH 1:73-74
The spirit of prophesy, filled with the Holy Ghost, minds were enlightened.
What is meant by having the keys to "the ministering of angels"?
It means that the priesthood holder is an authorized messenger to others, like an angel is.
How do women receive priesthood power?
Through participating in ordinances (like baptism or temple ordinances), and by keeping their covenants, and when given callings. Women aren't ordained to an office of the Priesthood, but they still have access to Priesthood power to do God's work.