who was the first prophet of the church?
joseph smith
what was the first temple built?
kirtland ohio
sing the first verse of "I am a child of God"
I buried the golden plates
captain moroni
name our ward bishoprick
bishop tanuvasa, brother amosa, brother mellor
who is the current prophet of the church?
president Russel M. Nelson
where was the first temple outside the us built?
sing the first verse of "I love to see the temple"
*more singing*
I smote off laban's head
name the young women's presidency of our ward
president Tokelau, sister Petersen, sister apina.
who are the members of the first presidency of the church?
russel m nelson. Henry b eyring. dallin h oaks.
what is the first city to have two temples?
south Jordan: Jordan river, oquirrh mountains
sing the first verse of "families can be together forever"
I got eaten by a whale
who is the relief society president?
president talili
who is BYU named for?
Brigham Young
what direction does the angel Moroni always face on temples? (north, south, east, west)
complete the line: I stand all amazed...
at the love Jesus offers me
I used a slingshot to kill a giant
david (the giant's name is Goliath)
who is the primary president of our ward
president liua
what prophet once broke every bottle of alcohol at home and poured it down the drain?
president nelson
how many oxen hold up the baptismal font at the temple? bonus points if you know what they represent.
12 oxen. they represent the 12 tribes of Israel.
complete the line: Come ye children of the Lord...
let us sing with one accord
I saw the finger put light into stones. (bonus points if you can say his full name!)
the brother of Jared.
name the stake presidency
president paongo, president fano, president moea'i