"You might wear 'boucles d'oreilles' here to help you 'écouter'
Les oreilles (Ears)
"In 'football,' you use these to 'frapper' the ball and score goals."
Les pieds (Feet)
"This part keeps 'le sang' moving, even when you’re asleep, and reacts to excitement or fear."
Le cœur (Heart)
You press these to type a message on your 'portable'
Les doigts (Fingers)
If you’re nice, someone might say you have a ___ of gold.
Le cœur
This part of your face can help you 'sentir' fresh 'pain'."
Le nez (Nose)
For 'natation,' these help you 'nager' quickly across the pool. (You can't wear flippers on them!)
Les bras (Arms)
If you didn’t have these, taking a 'respiration' (breath) would be impossible.
Les poumons (Lungs)
This part helps you 'mâcher' every bite of your food before you swallow.
Les dents (Teeth)
If you want more food than you can actually eat, people say you have ___ bigger than your stomach.
Les yeux
If you want to 'manger' a 'croissant,' this part will be essential!
La bouche (Mouth)
"In 'cyclisme,' you rely on these to 'pédaler' and keep your balance."
Les jambes (Legs)
Though often unnoticed, this part plays a major role after each 'repas', providing you energy!
L’estomac (Stomach)
You use these to 'marcher' from class to class.
Les pieds or Les jambes
I you need to stay calm under pressure, people say to keep a cool ___."
La tête
Every morning, you probably use a 'brosse' to keep these healthy...
Les dents (Teeth)
In 'basket', you need to bend these before jumping high to reach the 'panier'.
Les genoux (Knees)
Without these, you’d find standing upright a challenge.
Les os (Bones)
When you look to the left or right, this part allows your head to turn smoothly.
Le cou (Neck)
f something is very expensive, you might say it costs an ___ and a leg.
Le bras
A 'chapeau' sits comfortably here on a sunny day.
La tête (Head)
In 'hockey,' players wear 'patins' on this to glide across the ice.
Le pied (Foot)
This part creates 'rêves' while you sleep.
Le cerveau (Brain)
Between your "main" and "epaule"
Le coude
When you need someone to stop talking, or keep a secret, you would say "Bite your....."
La Langue (Tongue)