The French word for "house".
Qu'est que c'est maison?
les saisons
The French word for "backpack".
sac a dos
rouge, pantalons, jaune
French words for: banana, apple
banane, pomme
The French word for "bedroom".
Qu'est que c'est chambre/chambre a coucher?
The French words for "months" and "years".
les mois, les annees.
The French words for "eraser" and "paper".
une gomme a effacer, le papier
French for: a blue t-shirt.
un t-shirt bleu
French for: "A carrot is orange."
Une carotte est orange.
French for: "I live in an apartment."
"J'habite dans un appartement."
What is the date today, in French? FULL SENTENCE
Aujourd'hui, c'est jeudi, le 12 mars, 2020.
The French phrase for: "In my backpack, I have a book."
Dans mon sac a dos, j'ai un livre.
What is your favourite colour? Full Sentence.
Ma couleur preferee est ...
5 food words.
fruits, dessert, etc.
French for: "My house has two bedrooms, and one bathroom."
"Ma maison a deux chambres, et une salle de bains/toilette."
When were you born? Use a full sentence.
Je suis ne(e) le _____, ______, 19__ ___.
5 schools items in your classroom.
gomme, livre, papier, horloge, colle, etc.
3 colour words and 2 clothing words
rouge, jaune, bleu, noir, brun, violet
chapeau, robe, pantalons, chemise, t-shirt, robe
What do you like to eat (2 items)? Full Sentence.
J'aime manger ---- et -----
Describe YOUR house using a FULL sentence.
Ma maison/mon appartement a ........ et....
What is your favourite season? Use a full sentence.
Ma saison preferee est...
What do you have in your backpack? Full Sentence.
Dans mon sac a dos, j'ai...
What are you wearing today (clothing and colour)? Full Sentence.
Aujourd'hui, je porte un ----- -----, et un ----- ----.
What did you eat for dinner last night?
Pour le souper, j'ai manger....