How to say "hello" in French.
What is "bonjour"?
I am good.
Il fait beau.
It's nice out.
How old is Lexxi?
6 (six)
What are the two official languages in Canada?
English and French.
How do we say "good-bye" in French?
Au revoir.
How are you?
Comment ca va?
Il fait chaud.
It's hot out.
How old is Callie?
Huit (8).
What is the province called where they speak mostly French?
This word means both hello and good bye.
Ca va mal. :(
I am bad.
Il fait nuageux.
It's cloudy.
Count from 1 - 3.
Un, deux, trois.
What country in Europe speaks mostly French?
What does merci mean?
Thank you.
Ca va comme si comme sa.
I am so-so/I am okay.
Il pleut.
It's raining.
What is nine?
Find the French speaking province on the map.
How do we say please?
S'il te plait.
What does, "Il fait froid" mean?
It's cold.
How old is Devyn?
Which French speaking country's flag is this?