Le Moyne College opened in this year
What is 1946
The number of players on our team
what is 28
The colors in the Jamaican flag
What is black, green, and yellow
This piece of clothing brought Frosty the Snowman to life.
What is his old silk hat
Where the third midfielder should go if we have a fogo on the draw
the defensive line
The college mascot is named after this Jesuit missionary
Who is St Ignatius
The number of teammates not from NY
What is 3
This war was ended by the signing of the treaty of Versailles
What is world war l
When the Grinch discovers the true meaning of Christmas, his heart grows this number of sizes.
What is 3
Five options to use on offense in a two man game
what are flips, fake flips, picks, mirrors, x cuts
The Le Moyne college acceptance rate
what is 75% (will accept within 3%)
The spelling of number 4's last name
What is VanZutphen
This is the national animal of Scotland
What is the unicorn
The name “Santa Claus” appears in the Christmas poem “T’was the Night Before Christmas” this number of times.
what is 0
These four teams were in the final four last spring
BC, Norhwestern, Syracuse, Florida
The Le Moyne swim team won a national championship in this year
What is 2008
The number of players that played section 3 lacrosse in highschool (within 3)
What is 13
The name of Bambi's skunk friend
who is Flower
This beverage giant was the first company to use Santa Claus in an advertising campaign.
what is coca cola
This NCAA Division 1 college has produced the most all Americans
what is Syracuse University
The student-athletes at Le Moyne have maintained a GPA of 3.0 or higher for this many consecutive semesters
what is 40 semesters (will accept answers within 5)
This is the combined age of the coaching staff
What is 80
This person has the record for most grammy awards won by a rapper
Who is Jay Z (24 Grammy's)
The total number of ghosts that visit Ebenezer Scrooge in the Dickens novel, “A Christmas Carol” are
What is 4- the ghost of Jacob Marley (former business partner), ghost of Christmas past, ghost of Christmas present, and the ghost of Christmas yet to come
This was the Most outstanding player of the D1 National championship game of 2024
who is Kayla Martello