Le hiver vacances
L' été vacances
Passé composé
Le temps
Le vetements

The first and last season of the year/ winter translated to french.

What is le hiver?


The season with a 2-3 month vacation break or summer translated to French.

What is l'été?


This is used to express a moment that happened in the past.

What is passé compose?


These seasons are the other seasons of the year that are before summer and winter that change the natural life translated in french.

What are printemps and automne?


This is the irregular verb used to explain things like running errands.

What is faire?


This is an activity done in the winter in an enclosed area translated to french.

What is le patin à glace?


this is a verb of something that people do on a sunny day in the beach during the summer time translated to french.

What is bronzer?


This is the verb used to form the passé compose.

What is avoir?


This is the way to learn what the weather report is on a television every day translated to french.

What is le météo?


This is the verb used for describing people putting on clothes. This is the verb used to describe people trying on clothes. 

What is mettre? What is essayer?


This is a sport done in the winter that is also a means of transportation on snow translated to french. This is also an object used to do the sport.

What is le ski?


This is a sport done in a enclosed space that can also be taught by masters of the sport to others translated to french.

What is la natation?


These are the endings for the er, ir, and re verbs in passé compose.

What is é, i, and u?


This is a blue surface with clouds that can change colors. This is the same surface but covered translated to french.

What is le ciel? What is le ciel est couvert?


These are the two types of clothing stores.

What are la boutique et le centre commercial?


This is the location where people go to ski that has snow on the top that people can get to using the chairlift in the winter translated to french.

What is la montagne?


This is an enclosed area with water that people mostly use in the summertime that can be in the back of someone's house

What is le piscine?


This is the other verb used by certain verbs to conjugate passé compose. 

What is être?


These are some of the bad weather conditions that appear at random times that people can be warned about.

What is un orage, un éclair (une fodure), une tornade, un ouragan, une pluie, une inondation, et une tempête?


These are the main items of clothing used for work.

What is le complet, la cravate, la chemise, les chaussures, et le pantalon?


These are the things worn to be warm during the winter and are worn during skiing.

What is le anorak, le bonnet, la chassure de ski, la écharpe, le gant, et les lunettes de ski?


These are the things used and worn in the beach during the summer

What is la crème solaire, les lunettes de soleil, le maillot de bain, et la serviette?


The irregular verbs in passé compose sound like other types of verbs. Only certain verbs are irregular in passé compose.

What are IR and RE verbs? What are avoir, devoir, voir, dire, mettre, prendre, and etc?


This is a question in french that has 7 answers to it depnding on the time of the day and the conditons.

What is Quel temps fait-il (il fait quel temps)? What is il fait chaud, il fait mauvais, il fait froid, il fait frais, il fait beau, il pleut, il neige?


These are the different types of coats used in the winter.

Whay is le anorak, le blouson, le pull, le sweat-shirt, et la veste?
