How do you say it is sunny outside in French?
Il fait du soleil.
How do you say its raining in French?
Il pleut.
How do you say it is snowing?
Il neige.
How do you say its beautiful?
Il fait beau.
Il fait frois.
Its going to rain.
Il va pleuvoir.
It's cloudy.
Il y a des nuages.
Il fait du vent.
Its hot.
Il fait chaud.
It's cool.
Il fait frais.
Its humid.
Il fait humide.
Whats the weather like?
Quel temps fait il?
Weather report.
La meteo.
It is going to snow.
Il va neiger.
It's twenty degrees.
Il fait vingt degres.
There is thunder.
Il y a du tonnerre.
It's stormy
Il y a de l'orage.
The weather is bad.
Il fait mauvais.
It's storming.
Il y a une tempete.
Il va faire beau demain.
La secheresse.
La tornade.
There is lighting.
Il y a des eclairs.
It is foggy.