How long is membership in Sigma Nu?
What is a charter?
The license to operate as a Sigma Nu chapter
How often does Grand Chapter take place?
Every two years
Which countries does Sigma Nu operate in?
United States and Canada
According to our by-laws, what is the minimum GPA required to be a member, and to be an officer?
2.7 and 2.8
According to our by-laws, what is our chapters name?
Nu Alpha Chapter of Sigma Nu
How many charters does Sigma Nu have?
What year anniversary pin did our oldest alumni receive recently?
When is our next Grand Chapter?
July 23rd 2025
How many people have Sigma Nu initiated?
Name one reason an officer ran for their position
Name something someone said about how our chapter operations need improvement.
How many different "stops" did we have?
Name every stop
Your Chapter
Chapter Meetings and Voting
Lifetime Membership
Chapter By-laws
Best Practices Library
Grand Chapter
What does LEAD mean to you?