What is the name of Habit One?

Be Proactive

Being Proactive is a Habit we should be following and using frequently every day. 


What is the name of Habit 2?

Begin With The End in Mind

It is important to think about what your goals and outcomes should look like.


What is the name of Habit 3?

Put First Things First

You are in charge of you and you need to always think about what will be the best decision for you and what will that decision provide for you. 


What is the name of Habit 4?

Think - Win, Win

I win, you win, everyone wins. We work as a team!


What is the name of Habit 5?

Seek First to Understand, Then To Be Understood

You listen to your friends first, then share your ideas with your friends. People feel valued when you listen. 


What is the name of Habit 7?

Sharpen the Saw

When you sharpen the saw, you are taking care of yourself emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. 


Why is it important to remember your lunch number?

So our lunch line moves quickly and we have more time to eat.  


Should you be a friend and share your food with others in the cafeteria?

No, sharing food can pass germs and some students may have food allergies that could harm them.


Name three correct procedures/routines while eating lunch in the cafeteria.

1. Hands to self

2. No yelling

3. No throwing food

4. Stay in your seat


What is the name of Habit 6?


Work together to do better in the classroom to get tasks and activities accomplished. 


What is one tool you can use from your classroom to help you follow the rules of your classroom and our school? 

Classroom Expectations

Rules posters


Which habit defines your mission and goals in life?

Begin with the End in Mind

Creating goals for different areas of your life can help you to find your voice and discover your talents.


What are two items that should stay in your backpack during recess time?




Only one water fountain is working by the cafeteria, I decide to wait in line quietly with other students.

What Habit is this an example of?

Habit 4 - Think Win, Win

I wait patiently, so the other student gets their drink and then I get my drink and everyone is a winner. 


What is the name of Habit 8?

Find Your Voice


Are your choice of friends within your "Circle of Control" or your "Circle of No Control". 

Circle of Control

Your circle of control is parts of your life that you have control over and can change. 


If we are "Beginning with the End in Mind", then why is creating goals in math class important?

If we set a goal, then it gives us something to reach for. 


Classwork and homework comes second, talking to my friends comes first. True or False?


Using the Habit 3 - Put First Things First helps us prioritize important tasks in our lives. 


Which habit follows this idea:

The most acceptable outcomes are those where both parties "win" beyond what they previously perceived as possible.

"Think Win-Win"


What habit does this sentence align with?

Making your own thoughts and feelings understood in a calm, mature manner is just as important as listening.

"Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood"

Listening is a very important skill when working with others and creating friendships. 


Name one proper way to use the playground equipment? 

1. No running or playing tag on the playground.

2. Go down the slide correctly and safely.

3. No pushing down the slide.

4. No walking or playing in front of the swings.

5. No pushing the green spinning chairs from the ground. 


Think of 3 ways you can begin each day with the end in mind while you are in school.

Start your day off by saying hello to teachers and friends.

Write down your homework.

Walk in the hallways to class properly. 

Gather all of your school items at your locker/cubby rather than talking with friends. 


Stick to your values. Do the "right" thing.

What habit does this follow?

What is "Put First Things First"

Work first, then play.  Knowing you finished important tasks to be successful can create wonderful Leaders. 


Why is thinking about how much food you are selecting in the lunch line a "Think Win-Win" Habit?

So the food doesn't go to waste and we start to think purposefully about our choices and decisions.


When hanging out with friends, I listen to what my friends are telling me.  What habit is this following? 

First seek to understand, then be understood.  
