This is the year when Cyrus reigned
What is 600 BCE
This is the year when Qin Shi reigned
This is the year he reigned
336-323 BCE
This is the year he reigned
3rd century, 261 BCE
This is when she ruled
This is where Cyrus reigned
Where is Persia?
This is where Qin Shi reigned
This where he reigned
This is where he reigned
This is where she ruled
Who was the 1st ruler to instate human rights laws?
This one of the reasons he is remembered, government
Brownie points: why
Instated Legalism
Brownie Points: to control the people
This is one of the reason he is remembered
Took over Asia Minor, parts of Armenia, and Egypt and have never lost a battle
This is a big reason why he is remembered
This is one of the most important reasons she is remembered
She was a female leader, queen pharaoh
Who freeded the exiled Jews?
Another reason why Qin Shi is remembered, authority
He established a strong atuthority
Controversial Great title because of
he was very brutal and destructive
What did Ashoka make
Edicts, which were laws/rules
This is another reason she is remembered, Economy
Sponsored one of Egypt's most successful trading expeditions
This is where Cyrus conquered
Where is Babylon?
Artifact tied to Qin Shi's name
Terracotta army, he thought it would protect him in the afterlife
What happened after Alexander died
The empire split almost immediately
What religion did Ashoka revert to
What did she build during her time
Busts, temples, 2 2 hundred ft obelisks, temples, mortuary temple