This is when he reigned
46-44 BCE
This is when he reigned
63 BCE - 14 AD
When did he rule
527-565 AD
Who are the senate
The legislative body of 100 members advised the consuls and controlled foreign policy and finance, grew from 300-1000
This is where he reigned
Roman Republic
This is where he reigned
Roman Empire
Where did he rule
Byzantine Empire
Who are the assemblies
The popular assemblies, which had the power to elect officials and pass laws
Why was he death well-known
He was assassinated by his own senate
Caesar's adopted nephew and the first emperor of the empire
Who was his wife
Theodora and they reigned together
Who are the consuls
The highest officials, who served as the head of state and military commander. The assembly appointed 2 consuls to lead a 1 year term
Why was he well known, before death
Famous statesman and military leader, civil war victory, then named himself lifelong dictator
What happened under his rule?
made new rules and new roads
What did he do
Built churches, Hagia Sophia
What are patricians
Land-owning men
Good deeds
gave land to his soldiers
How is he remembered?
Considered one of the best emperors in the history of the Roman Empire
What happened to the Hagia Sophia
Was a church then islamic temple, church -> museum -> temple
Who are Plebeians
The common men