SBI Feedback
Situational Leadership

What does the S stand for in SBI

Situation- Describe the Situation


You should silence and put away these items while in a 1:1 to be fully present by giving your person 100% focus and attention.

Phones, laptops, etc- Giving undivided attention from the beginning sets the tone of the 1:1. 


What is the definition of Bias?

Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.


Situational Leadership is not what you do “TO” People, it is.......

something you do “WITH” people!


For every piece of constructive feedback how many pieces of positive feedback should we give?

5 Positive: 1 Negative-frequent feedback is the key!


What is the most important question to ask new Direct Reports?

How do you prefer to receive feedback?


What is the definition of Maternal Bias?

Motherhood triggers false assumptions that women are less committed to their careers-and even less competent.


When diagnosing a development level what are the two key ideas involved? 

Competence- The individuals' demonstrated goal or task specific. transferable knowledge and skills.
Commitment-The individual's motivation and confidence on a specific goal or task. 


This technique is something to avoid when giving SBI Feedback but is something you may have for lunch.

Sandwich or Feedback Sandwich- this dilutes the feedback given.


These types of questions incite conversation and help facilitate their own insight.

Open Ended Questions


This type of bias is based on deep-rooted and incorrect assumptions about women's and men's abilities.  We tend to underestimate women's perfrmance and overestimate men's.

Performance Bias 


What are the 3 skills of a Situational Leader?

Goal Setting- Align what needs to be done
Diagnosing-Determine competence and commitment towards a specific Goal or Task
Matching- Identifying the type of Leadership style the individual needs.


What do you have to ensure is crystal clear when communicating the B in SBI?

Expectations- If these are not clear 


Hearing what the other person is saying noticing their energy and/or mood is practicing (blank) listening, aka active or reflective listening.



Unconscious Bias is when we use (blank) shortcuts that our brains use to make sense of the world around us.  

Mental Shortcuts

Note:  We need to slow down and and become aware!


What are the 2 Leadership Behavior Categories?

Directive- the extent to which a leader sets goals and clarifies expectations.  Key words: Tell, Show, Supervise

Supportive- Extent to which you engage in more 2 way communication.  Key Words: Listen, Facilitate, Encourage, Problem Solving 


What is the Feedback Trianlge and how does it fit in to SBI?

It does not!  The goal is to avoid the Feedback Triangle and remove yourself from the middle.  Encourage the person to go directly to the person to share the feedback.


Situation:  One of your direct reports just had a very emotionally charge interaction, they are visibly flustered.  You have a 1:1 scheduled with them in 5 minutes, what should you do?

Postpone the 1:1 to give the rep time to reset.  Mindset during 1:1's is very important for both you AND the direct report if you want to have a productive 1:1.


This is closely linked to Performance Bias.

Attribution Bias


What are the 4 Leadership Styles and which Development Level do they match? 

S1 Directing- D1 Enthusiastic Beginner
S2 Coaching- D2 Disillusioned Learner
S3 Supporting- D3 Capable but Cautious Performer
S4 Delegating- D4 Self Reliant Achiever
