Who starred as the main character in the Barbie movie?
Who is Margot Robbie
What colors are our school colors?
what is red, white, and blue?
What is the term for someone with "Charisma"
What is "Rizz"
What gas do humans breathe out?
What is Carbon Dioxide?
What day is Leadership Day held?
What is March 28th?
Who won album of the year?
Who is Beyonce?
Before we were the patriots, we were the...
who are the Indians?
What is the term for someone who is acting shifty
What is "sus"?
What is the name of the man who wrote "Common Sense?"
Who is Thomas Paine?
How many Community Service Hours minimum do you need to be on our Council?
What is 6?
BONUS (100): 3 in and 3 out of council hours
What is the name of Jessie's neighbor in Toy Story?
Who is Syd?
What is our mascot's name?
What is "Patriot Pat"?
What is the term for someone who has good style?
What is "Drip"
What instruments are in a string quartet?
What is, 2 violins, a viola, and a cello?
What grade has the most StuCo members this year?
What is Freshmen?
What year was the Iphone released?
When is 2007?
What is the official name of our Pantry?
What is the Millard South Patriots Care Pantry?
What is the term for someone throwing something, typically behind your back?
What is "Yeet"
What is the term for a word that reads the same forward and backward?
What is a palindrome?
Student Council meetings take place on...
when is Mondays at 7 and Fridays at 7:15
Who was the first One Direction member to leave?
who is Zayn Malik?
What year was Millard South Founded?
When was 1970?
What is the term you use for your best friend?
What is "Pookie"
How many yards are in a mile?
What is 1760 yds?
What are our sponsors' names?
Who is Mrs. Nehls and Mrs. Thorn?