in the movie finding nemo, what kind of fish is nemo?
Who won the NBA Champtionship in 2012
Miami Heat
What year did drake drop his album "Views"
In the first spider-man (2002) what is the green goblins actors name.
William Dafoe
in this movie, the main character gives up her voice to be with the guy she likes?
The little mermaid
What is the name of the "the most valuable player" Trophy called in college football
Heismen Trophy
What blood type is known as the universal donor type?
Type O negative
who won best album this year at the grammys
"Midnights" Taylor swift
What is the highest selling movie of all time
What was Walt disneys first ever Character?
Mikey Mouse
Beside the Canadians what team has the second most amount of stanley cups?
Maple Leafs
Which city is the headquarters of chrysler and general motors located in?
What is Detroit
Emimens 8 mile is named after which city?
Freddy Frueger wears a stripped sweater that is which colors?
Red and Green
In monsters inc, why do the monsters need humans children to scream?
So they can generater electricity?
Which Boxer fought againts Muhammad Ali and won
Joe Frazier
How many colors does a rainbow have?
What city is Kanye west from?
#1 movie of 2021:
Top Gun, Dont look up, Shang-chi, Duen, Spider man no way home or Afterlife.
What does Hakuna Matata mean
No Worries
What counrty has the most amout of gold metals?
Whats the number one selling item of all time?
Rubiks Cube
Before Miley Cyrus recorded "wrecking ball" it was offered to which singer?
In the Matrixs, does Noe take the blue pill or the red pill?
The Red pill