Conflict Management
Time Management
What is the role of a nurse leader?
takes the accountability for patient-care through the understanding and application of evidence-based information to design, implement, and evaluate patient-care processes and models of care delivery. A nurse leader will make change in nursing while remaining at the point of care. Some attributes and traits nurse leaders requires is becoming strong, consistent leaders who are visible, inspire others and support professional nursing practice, advocate for quality care, a collaborator, an articulate communicator, a mentor, a risk taker, a role model and a visionary.
What is conflict?
an incompatible response tendency within an individual- a form of dilemma. It refers to a phenomenon that involves two or more individuals. It is the process that begins when one party perceives that the other has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something he or she cares about
What questions does conflict resolution assessment include?
1) What is the issue 2) Who is involved 3) Where is/ was the conflict taking place 4) Which is the best conflict management style to activate
What is Mentorship?
It is a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person.
Name 2 strategies you can apply to yourself that can help you manage your time better.
1) Rank tasks based on priority and work from there 2) Do not attempt to take on more than you can handle
How would you develop future leaders for today’s Health care system?
Future healthcare leaders need to work on their leadership skills such as, engagement and well-being, collaborative patient care, identifying their leadership gap such as their leadership strengths and weak spots (self-awareness), participative management style, improve their ability to build relationships with team members, and learn to deal with conflicts between team members, being straightforward, balance between personal life and work.
What are the three views of conflict?
1) Traditional View 2) Human Relations View 3) Interactionist View
Which of the five conflict management strategies is described? This is the “ give-and-take” approach where all concerned are encouraged to present their views. It combines intermediate levels of assertiveness and cooperation
Compromising strategy
Mentoring is a form of what type of relationship?
symbiotic relationship
Effective time management starts with?
A clear vision and Goals
What three behaviours promote good leadership
1) the amount of guidance and direction the leader gives 2) the amount of socio emotional support the leader provides 3) the readiness of the leader to follow the task
What is the difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal conflict?
Intrapersonal conflict refers to discord or stress that develops within an individual and which usually arises because of a choice the individual must make between two alternatives. Interpersonal conflict is a process that occurs between or among individuals as they experience negative emotional reactions to differences in ideas, values, perceptions or goals.
How is the collaboration conflict management strategy beneficial?
It allows all view points to be herd and all arguments to be made in order to reach a fair solution. It also allows each individual to communicate with one another.
How can we improve mentoring in the BPN program?
1) Using more recent graduates as mentors 2) Providing more current information on what we have to go through when we graduate
Name three barriers of time management.
1) Work habits 2) workload 3) personal life
What are the three types of leaders?
1) Dissonant leaders: are not in touch with their feelings or the feeling of others 2) Resonant leaders: are in touch with their own and others feelings 3) Each of these leadership types creates creates very different environments
How might intergroup conflict be beneficial?
It allows for more than one opinion to be heard especially when it comes to client care issues. It can help address issues about style of management, policies, and procedure and change these issues into something positive
Name three foundation principles that support conflict management.
1) A willingness to acknowledge existence of conflict; 2) Open communication; 3) Dealing with conflict within an environment of mutual respect
Name three qualities mentor should provide.
1) A supportive workplace/environment that supports honing of their own learning and skills 2) Leadership qualities that a new learner can learn from 3) promotes a culture for learning
What are four characteristics that time management involves?
1) balance 2) prioritizing 3) planning 4) organizing
What are three different leadership styles.
1) demographic: gives information, encourages, group participation in decisions, flexible 2) Autocratic: makes all decisions, give precise direction towards what to do and how to do it 3) Laissez: no direction, extremely flexible
What are cross cultural and intergenerational conflict?
Cross Cultural Conflict: Occurs when two or more different cultures are represented in a health care organization, differing assumptions often arise among members about how to think and act in various situations. Intergenerational Conflict: Nurse leaders must be aware that differences frequently arise among the four generations currently in practice in nursing which are, the traditionalists, baby boomers, generation X and, generation Y.
Describe the conflict management strategies, avoiding, accommodating, and competing
1) Avoiding: It features low assertiveness, passive withdrawal, or active suppression of the issue 2) Accommodating: It allows cooperation with others while not asserting one’s own interests. It serves to minimize differences among individuals 3) Competing: This strategy maximizes assertiveness and power, and it minimizes cooperative responses, while fostering low concern for others
What are three of the benefits of mentorship?
1) All parties are able to learn from each other 2) Build/maintain/solidify leadership qualities 3) Provide constructive/critical feedback
Why is time management important in nursing?
It helps to ensure quality care for the clients as well as the client's family, helps the nurse to prioritize clients needs, keeps the nurse and client organized, and can help improve mental and physical health for both the nurse and client.