Number of "P's" we have in class.
What is "6"?
MHS Animal mascot.
What is a Grizzy Bear?
Coil's home state.
Rock Paper Scissors!
Choose a member from your team and choose another team to send a member up
Rock Paper Scissors 2/3 to win!
100 Points to which ever team won!
The charity event that Advanced Leadership leads.
What is the "Canned Food Drive"?
E Hall is named after this street.
What is "Evans Street"?
Coil's awesome food box.
What is the Bussin Box?
Choose another team and have both teams send up a player to the white board.
The team who choose the question gets first placement.
200 to the winning team.
Leadership annual back to school party.
What is the "Block Party"?
The nickname for the big hallway in MHS.
What is "Airport Hall"?
Coil's famous dance.
What is The Griddy?
All team activity!
Coil will think of a number 1-100.
Every team will write discuss and write down their guess.
Awesome sauce!!
Which ever team was closest gets the 300 Points!
The first CLASS activity we completed this semester.
What was the Human Knot?
The student newspaper.
What is "The Bruin"?
This event gave Coil PTSD.
What is Field day?
All team activity!
Each team choose a member to try to see who can balance the longest on the balance board. Each player will be times
The team who stays on the longest wins.
Great Job!
400 to the winning team!
What was the "Escape room"?
The student-operated store.
What is "Main Street Market"?
Coils current favorite beverage.
What is "Lucky Energy"?
Thumb war!!!!
Choose one team member and another team to choose their player.
1 game of thumb war to win.
500 points to the victors!