How do you use your van to address barriers for patients?
Transportation needs, improve compliance with therapy, and continuity of care
How do you assist patients who don't have Primary Care Providers?
Community Resources, Referral Sources, Group Home Placements.
How do you assist people who can’t afford medications?
RX Cards, RX Programs, Notify Provider.
How do you assist patients who have pets?
Allow ADA Pets, can offer to assist with boarding fees in extreme circumstances.
How do you address a patient's cultural dietary needs?
Dietician, Assessment, Communication, Understand Patient needs and expectations.
Do you have panic buttons?
How do you train staff on Active Shooter?
Relias Training, Skills Fair Board, and Orientation.
How do you announce active shooter?
Plain Language.
How do you support staff who may not feel safe in their personal lives?
Seek Resources, Notify Law Enforcement if requested, Notify Leaders if Domestic Dispute, Offer empathy
How do you train staff on how to respond to Code Yellow?
Check patient rooms, check unit, check hospital, check grounds, report to AOC.
What do you do if staffing is less than optimal?
Leaders step in and assist team, cover shifts, and make accommodations to get staff to cover as needed.
What are you doing to "Go Green"?
Recycle Bins, Oil less Compressor, Motion Sensor Lighting, Proper Utilization of Supplies.
How have you dealt with the "Great Resignation"
Recruiting Calls, Employee Engagement Activities, EPA, Encourage time off, Avoid allowing staff to pick up overtime - encourage rest, mindfulness.
How are Look Alike and Sound Alike drug information shared with staff?
P&T Mtg, Signage in Med Rooms, Education to Staff.
Who is Incident Commander?
CEO, then CNO.
How do you communicate with staff in an emergency?
Tiger Text, Email, Group Text with Staff, Over head Paging, Phone Tree
What is your Fire Safety Plan?
Rescure, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish
Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
What must all CLINICAL contracts have?
Quality Metrics & Annual Eval.
How do you measure patient satisfaction?
Survey prior to DC, Google Reviews, Patient Partner Rounding Reports, Incident Reports.
How do you collect hand hygiene data?
Leaders must complete 30 audits per month and submit to DQM. Goals are 95% or Hand Hygiene.
What were your most recent results from your Culture of Survey?
Lack of Communication surrounding incidents, closing the loop, and education following incident reporting. We re-assessed @ Skills Fair, and there was an improvement. This was due to increased communication and/or communication boards.
What are the 2 patient identifiers we use in the facility?
Name and DOB - National Patient Safety Goals
How do you prevent falls?
Education to staff and patients, signage, ceiling tiles, education to staff on Skills Fairs, alarms, daily audits, leadership audits.
How do you find out about recalls?
DQM, Materials Director, Dialysis Manager and/or Pharmacy Director will get an alert and distribute it out to the impacted department(s). Actions will be taken based on stock and patient safety.
What are you doing to improve Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within the community?