Boss vs Leader?
Leadership Do's and Don'ts
You got the Personal Power
You Don't Need a Title To be a Leader
That's my Brand

1)  Motivate others

2)  Taking responsibility

3)  Plan for the future

4)  Share knowledge and Experience

5)  Clarity in Communication (seek to be heard and understood)

What are qualities that make a great leader


Your leader is looking for a couple of people to work on a special project that involves mentoring disadvantaged youth on careers in insurance.


What is DO:  Look for every opportunity to demonstrate your leadership potential, at work and outside the office


One would say your glass is half full when it comes to your leadership style.

What is a Positive approach—in thought, word, emotion, expression, and posture. Maintaining a positive approach energizes you, keeps you ready for new challenges and strengthens your ability to manage change.


This is on the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 

What is Self-Transcendence.  Genuine authentic leadership influences meaning into your life because your efforts count, and you are serving others needs rather than your own.


Either you define this or someone else will.

What is your Professional Brand.


This person knows it all and tends to do more talking than listening

What is:  a boss


You are focused on your future leadership goals.  So focused that you forgot about your daily work.  You have explained to your leader that you got behind in your work because you are trying to get into a leadership role that you know is coming up.

What is a don't.  Do not let your ambitions distract you from doing your current job well.  Do not try to make excuses for not doing your work.  Look for ways to ensure that you get your work done and any stretch assignments that create leadership opportunities


Some may consider reaching out to different departments and different people is an important piece of this.

What is Networking.  Openness to new ideas and people. Engaging with a diverse network of people and philosophies keeps you versatile and open to new possibilities.


Mark Sanborn referred to this, similarly to Pareto's Principle

What is MVP (most valuable and profitable).  Pareto's Principle simply put, the 80/20 rule states that the relationship between input and output. When applied to work, it means that approximately 20 percent of your efforts produce 80 percent of the results.


Dig Deep to identify these things...

What are your unique strengths, interests and personality.  What is in your toolbox that makes you different from the next person.


Going from me to we

What is becoming a leader


You are peer coaching as per your leaders request. You see a simple solution to help your peer.  You tell your peer how they can organize their desk to maximize their results. 

What is don't.  Do not exert authority where you don’t have any — use influence to prove your leadership chops


A change happens in your organization that you accept and help your peers along the way.

What is Willingness—to do things differently, to persevere, to help others, to do what's right, to learn new skills and to acknowledge greatness in others. This attitude expands your ability to influence and empower the people around you.


There are 2 sides of a coin.  One is about self improvement while the other is about helping others improve

What is resume skills vs leadership skills.  A resume tells a story about what you have done.  Leadership skills will leave a legacy, show what you contributed, focus on relationships, the impact you have. 


When you determine where to spend your energy, they say this is the first step.

What is keep your focus.  Be clear about the brand you are looking to create so it is not confusing to yourself or others.


There is one person at the top who has all the power and all the answers.

What is traditional, old fashioned, patriarchal boss style of leadership that does not suit modern organizations.  Leaders are needed at all levels.  


This type of leader will take the blame when the team fails, celebrate with the team when they succeed and only be “out front” if there are hazards to clear…..then fade back

What is do act like a shepherd leader.


When you show these traits-You are likeable, genuine and show people that you really care about them.

What is Employing—tact, common courtesies, sincerity, tolerance, humor, hope and patience. This earns people’s respect and increases your ability to attract the right people at the right time.


This is the ratio between promises made and promises met. 

What is the Self-Mastery Index.  IF you cannot keep promises made then there is great deal of room for improvement. Integrity is the distance between your lips and your life. If you want to be a leader in your own life, you have to keep your promises whether you have a title or not.


This can happen if you tell your story well.

What is develop a Narrative. Focus on the value your prior experience brings.  A stint flipping burgers may not be the ideal résumé builder, but you can get credit for learning valuable skills on the front line of a customer service organization—if you tell your story well.


This person does not just manage their employees, but also inspires them to innovate, think creatively, and strive for perfection.

What is a leader


Tell your leader that you are interested in becoming a a leader within 2 years.

What is don't tell them, have the discussion but it is better to "SHOW" your leader of your intentions.


One would say that this is cause and effect of your values and beliefs

What is Remembering—your purpose. Knowing yourself, being honest with yourself, doing your best and believing in who you are enhances your ability to inspire higher performance in others.


Don't confuse this with manipulation.  This is helping people make a decision that is good for them.

What is selling vs telling.  Selling involves the critical importance of establishing rapport. When people know you are interested in their best interests, in helping them meet their needs, they will trust you. And that genuine interest in helping others make a positive difference is the essence of leadership.


Put your money where your mouth is....

What is proving your worth.  Have your portfolio at the ready to showcase proof of your skills.  Keep that list handy that showcases your leadership skills by having ready examples of how you have taken initiative through various projects for example. 
