What does CUNY stand for?
City University of New York
How many Regents exams do you need to pass to graduate from UD?
True or False: Public colleges are genrally larger than private colleges
What is 12 x 8?
What does SUNY stand for?
State University of New York
True or False: All CUNY schools are PUBLIC colleges
How many English credits can you earn by the end of League 2?
A campus located in the country, often near farms and wilderness areas
Rural campus
Which US city is often referred to as the birthplace of jazz?
New Orleans
True or False: Some SUNY schools are private colleges?
Which of these is a CUNY school?
Fordham University
Lehman College
Dutchess Community College
New York University
Lehman College
Which Regents do students take in their League 2 year?
English, Algebra, Global (Living if they did not pass in Leage 1)
List 2 advantages of attending a college with an urban campus
Off campus learning experiences, many forms of entertainment (restaurants, stores, etc.), strong public transit options
What was the first Pixar movie?
Toy Story
Which of these is a SUNY school?
Columbia University
Bronx Community College
Hunter College
SUNY Morrisville
How many CUNY campuses are located in the Bronx? (+100 for naming)
3 (Bronx CC, Hostos CC, Lehman College)
What is the minimum passing Regents score for students who do not have an IEP?
A college where your test scores, GPA, and/or class rank are BELOW those of the majority of accepted students
Reach school
What is the largest animal on Earth (be specific)?
Blue Whale
Name 1 SUNY University
Albany, Buffalo, Stony Brook, Binghamton
How many CUNY campuses are there in total in all 5 boroughs?
What is the maximum number of UD credits a student can earn by the end of League 1?
18 credits
At a Hispanis Serving Institution (HSI), what percentage of the student body is Hispanic/Latino (minimum)?
How many countries are there in the world?
How many SUNY campuses are there in total across NY state?