Fav champion
No it's not you dumb dumb
Lanes I play in Ranked
Top and mid (sometimes jg)
What do i get from being honor 5 each season
absolutely nothing
coolest lore story
Smallest Champ in the game (Lore wise)
Biggest Loser Champ
half the roster
Rank I usually am at the end of the season (bonus 100 points for rank I should be)
silver (High plat low emerald)
Strongest champ in lore
aurelion sol
3 Coolest Darkin
Aatrox, Xolaani, Taarosh
First character I got a penta on
Fav off meta pick
Sion Support
Fav Split pusher i like to play in ranked
Cutest champion
what is Lissandra keeping back
The Watchers
First Skin I ever got
Pool party Renekton
Worst champ to fight in every lane (100 points for each one correct excluding bot because gross)
Darius, veigo, ahri, Janna
Fav champ i like to play in ranked for each lane
Trundle, Nocturne, Aatrox, Jhin, Thresh
Hottest skin
Nurse akali
Coolest side character in Noxus
I got a Quadra the first time I played this "Really hard" Champ
Fav Champ to play in every lane (100 points for each one correct)
Cho'gath/Trundle, Rek'sai, Aatrox, Jhin, Thresh
Champs I ban for every lane in ranked (yes some are different depending on which lane i am)
Nasus, Kayn, Ahri, Vayne, Morgana
Best champ to smash
Neeko (she can be anyone you want)
Coolest Regions from worst to best (excluding void and bandle city)
Demacia, Piltover/xuan, ionia, Shadow isles, Noxus, Bildgewater, freljord, Shurima, Targon
Coolest champ in every region
Piltover/xaun = Zac
Noxus = Mordekaiser
Demacia = Nocturne
Shadow Isles = Hecarim
Void = Cho'gath
Targon =Pantheon/Sol
Shurima = Renekton
Bandle city = Veigar
Freljord = Volibear
Ionia = Jhin/Zed
Bildgewater = Nautilas