This League Legend is known for a flashy Lee Sin combo.
Who is Insec?
It's champion's only damaging spell, this ability still might one-shot you.
What is Zilean Q?
This skin features a voiceline dedicated to Joe, a young cancer patient, who was able to visit Riot HQ thanks to the Make-A-Wish foundation.
"Here's to you, kid."
This trinket cannot be purchased, but it can be sold.
What is Poro-Snax?
With 11 total showings, this team has made it to Worlds more than any other team.
Who are Fnatic?
This League Legend is known for a high stakes nexus backdoor.
Who is xPeke?
Despite belonging to a bursty mage, this AoE ability does 0 damage, just like their ultimate.
What is Taliyah W?
This champion will sometimes say "Okay" when moving.
Who is Amumu?
Removed in patch 10.23, this item cost 2150 gold and granted AP and mana based off of the owner's level.
What is Viktor's fully upgraded passive item?
This team is the only world champion that isn't from Korea, China, nor Europe.
Who are the Taipei Assassins?
This League Legend is known for frequently having a 100 CS lead over his opponents.
Who is Flame?
This ability's range was nerfed before release as a buff to its champion.
What is Certain Death?
What is Briar R?
This skin references Ryze's reworks, Mordekaiser's bugs, and countless other community memes.
What is Nunu Bot?
Named after a flock member, this item significantly reduces incoming tower damage.
What is Anti-Tower Socks?
After making their professional debut as a support, this player is now tied for the most total appearances at worlds.
Who is Doublelift?
Despite only reaching diamond 2 in Korean solo queue, this League Legend got a pentakill on Darius on the worlds stage.
Who is Balls?
This cold skillshot can be recasted to dash to a target.
What is Snowball?
Although this champion typically has spoken voicelines, when equipping this skin it does not speak.
What is Zombie Nunu?
Exclusive to Twisted Treeline, this low-cost item granted AP, armor, MR, and tenacity.
What is Moonflair Spellblade?
The only player to win worlds multiple times, having never played for T1.
Who is BeryL?
After he underperformed on the worlds stage, fans created an award named after this League Legend, given to the most dissapointing player at worlds.
Who is Dade?
This explosive, fiery ability restores mana on kill.
What is Blaze?
What is Brand Passive?
This champion's joke is "Hello my little one. Who's my smoochy poochy baby? You are. You are."
Who is Bel'Veth?
This familial item does not occupy an item slot once purchased.
What is Gangplank's silver serpant item, uhh, yeah, the middle one, uh, the one that additionally fires a mega-cannonball at the center of his ult's barrage, dealing bonus true damage and slowing? Yeah, that one?
The most of anyone, this player has made it to worlds on 6 unique teams.
Who is Deft?