Death and Taxes
What is The Collector?
A legendary wilderness archer, this champion is the first and last member of the Woad Tribe many a wayward traveler will ever meet. Nothing is known of their past, save for frozen corpses littering the northern trails.
Who is Woad Ashe?
The Kraken Priestess
Who is Illaoi?
A hot dude in cop gear with a terrible cop mustache and holding a giant grenade launcher lookin' thing. You can see a dog guy with a baton and a dude with a mask and a big shield and chemicals on his back in the background.
Who is Riot Graves?
"The Great Weaver says every lesson is a gift."
Who is Taliyah?
Ever Rising Moon
What is Eclipse?
Their heart unwavering, this champion carries the fenghuang's blessing with them across the once peaceful lands. They make quick work of those who would lay waste to the relics of the past, their magic mirroring their beauty in a harmonious dance. If they wield their power in order to honor their ancestors, this champion is confident that the forces of good will prevail.
Who is Prestige Brave Phoenix Xayah?
The Grand Duelist
Who is Fiora?
A fiery rodent thing is reaching towards the ground and a demon with a book and a staff is in the background.
Who is Infernal Kennen?
Who is Inferal Karthus? for half points
"Let them eat swords."
Who is PROJECT: Fiora?
Colossal Consumption
Honoring Bengi's winning performance as this champion during the 2015 World Championship. This is Bengi's second World Champion skin, following his win with this team at the 2013 World Championship.
Who is SKT T1 Elise?
The Purifier
Who is Lucian?
A metal centaur with a terrible mohawk surrounded by a bunch of colors.
Who is Arcade Hecarim?
"I'm disappointed, Garen. You could've been so much more."
Who is God-King Darius?
First Move with God-King Garen
Hexcharged and Overdrive
What is Experimental Hexplate?
Once a mere courier for the Twitch syndicate, this champion is now barely human. The eldritch corruption has stripped them of reason and identity, turning them into a chittering horde of knife-wielding monsters that haunt the boroughs of Valoran City. None of them are sure which is the “real” this champion anymore. None of them care.
Who is Crime City Nightmare Shaco?
The Dreadnought
Who is Urgot?
A surprisingly not scantly-clad woman on the beach with a sunflower in her hair.
Who is Pool Party Leona?
"They wanted a villain, I gave them a villain!"
Who is Morgana?
Scoring a Pentakill
Arcane Cache and Behold
Who is Urf Kench?
The Mouth of the Abyss
Who is Kog'Maw
A dude covered in blue holding a sword surrounded by blue circles.
Who is Hextech Jarvan IV?
"It is by my will alone I set my mind in motion."
Who is Jhin?
Purchasing Navori Flickerblades