K-Pop Dance Group
What is K/DA?
Soul Shackles
Who is Morgana?
Spin to Win
Who is Demacia?
Where is Garen from?
Where is Demacia?
Splash Art Zoomies 100
Who is Yuumi?
At the end of every game there is a Boss.
What is Arcade?
Supreme Display of Talent
Who is Qiyana?
0/20/0 Powerspike Mastery 7 Flash
Who is Yasuo?
Where is Thresh from?
Where is the Shadow Isles?
Splash Art Zoomies 200
Who is Skarner?
Sunshine, Volleyballs, and Sandcastles.
What is Pool Party?
Who is Janna?
Who does Snoop Dogg's Dance to the Beatbox?
Who is Nasus/Infernal Nasus?
Where is Rammus from?
Where is Shurima?
Splash Art Zoomies 300
Who is Darius?
What is a Dark Celestial Theme?
What is Dark Star/Dark Cosmic?
World Ender
Who is Aatrox?
You're rooted for what feels like a lifetime.
Who is Morgana?
Where is Pyke from?
Where is Bilgewater?
Splash Art Zoomies 400
Who is Nami?
Ghost Towns, Demons, and Tumbleweeds.
What is High Noon?
Who is Nocturne?
What 5 Champions are in the Original Dunk Squad?
Who are Jarvan IV, Darius, Kha'Zix, Jax, & Tristana?
Where is Taric originally from?
Where is Demacia?
Splash Art Zoomies 500
Who is Aurelion Sol?