The Gold each Turret Plating gives
What is 125?
Blue Buff effect
What is 10 ability haste and scaling mana regen?
Malzahar Passive
What is 90% damage reduction and CC immunity?
Nautilus Passive
What is 1 second of root on auto?
Doran's Shield passive
What is 4 Health Regen per 5 seconds and 40 healing over 8 seconds when damaged.
Teemo Blind Duration
What is 2-3 seconds?
Warwick Passive
What is Magic damage on-hit that heals Warwick when low?
Lux Q Duration
What is 2 seconds?
Turret damage resistance in botlane
Trick question: There is no damage resistance in botlane
Rabadon's Deathcap passive
What is 30% bonus AP?
What is 6 minutes?
The amount of CS gained from a Jungle camp
What is 4?
The Champions that can cross between enemy Mid turrets without being hit
What is Yordles?
The amount of Minions in the first wave
What is 3 melee and 3 caster?
All Sheen items
What is Iceborn Gauntlet, Trinity Force and Lichbane?
Illaoi's passive healing
What is 5% missing health?
Void Grubs Damage
What is 6 melee or 3 ranged Damage over time
The amount of hits Mel Q deals
What is 7?
The amount of shots required for Caitlyn to reach a headshot
What is 5 shots?
The item that gives a critical strike without any crit chance
What is Sundered Sky?
Cho'Gath's Ultimate damage scaling
What is 50% AP or what is 10% bonus HP
Small Krugs Gold
What is 13?
Level 2 Talon Cheese
What is W, Q, Auto, Ignite?
Kai'Sa mark clear base damage
What is 15% Missing health?
The effect Guinsoo's had in 2022
What is converting Crit chance to on-hit damage?