You can get this item without bying it in the store
What is a ward?
Big f**king goat
What is Ornn's ultimate?
Garen's favorite spot for vacation
What is Demacia?
Oh grandma you have such big teeth you have
Who is Warwick ?
I like money
Who is Pyke?
Who is Evelynn?
Tornado on your face
Who is Yasuo?
Who is Riven?
I slept with your wife
Who is Thresh?
Who is Corki?
this side of the map has more winrate than the other
What is Topside/Red?
Bowling strike
What is Malphite's ultimate?
Project's best guard dog
Who is Project Warwick?
This is the 4th time I missed my 4th shot onto that 4th person in the last 4 games
Who is Jhin?
Expect to 1v5 every game
Who is Master Yi?
Who is Jinx, Quatlin and Vi?
What is yours is mine
What is Sylas's ultimate?
the captain of the Odyessy crew
Who is Yasuo?
Pick a card, any card
F**k you it's still yellow card
More you punch the harder I punch, the more HP you have the more pain you will get
Who is Sett?
This champion was so busted in release that Riot Hot fixed him the moment he was lunched
Who is Jax?
Omae wa mou shindeiru
What is Zed's ultimate?
The one who created all galaxies
Who is Aurelion Sol?
1v1 me bro
Who is Mordekaizer?
My developement took Riot 200 years
Who is Aphilios?