Who has the highest base attack range?
Bramble Vest builds into what item?
How many towers are on the Summoner's Rift map.
22, 11 per side, 3 per lane, two per nexus
This champion was betrayed and stabbed in the back (literally)
What region has won the most world championships?
Highest base AD (name one of the five)
Ornn, Cho'Gath, Lee Sin, Garen, Renekton
Name an item with both health regen and MR (3 options)
Spirit Visage, Kaenic Rookern, Hollow Radiance
How much CS is a skuttle worth?
Who is Kha'zix's Rival
What is GenG's current roster?
Kiin, Canyon, Chovy, Ruler, Duro
Name the by far slowest attack speed champion.
Name all items that Tiamat builds into.
Profane Hydra
Titanic Hydra
Ravenous Hydra
When attacking a void grub how many voidmites spawn to attack you?
What year was the first MSI tournament?
Who has the highest base mana?
How many items in summoner's rift are consumable and purchasable in the shop. (aka not biscuits or rift herald)
6 - Health pot, regen pot, 3 potion buffs, pink ward.
Daily Double: Double question for double points.
What is the duration of both red and blue buffs?
What is the official name of red and blue?
Blue Sentinel
Red Brambleback
This Champion was created by the Architect Durand
What is the only non-Chinese or Korean team to win World Championships?
Fnatic, 2011 - Game hadnt been released yet in those regions
Who has the highest base MR? Goodluck
How many unique boots can a player obtain in summoner's rift 5v5 (not in the same game). This includes being purchased, distributed, and upgraded? (these are the three ways boots can enter an inventory)
Slightly Magical -1
Tier 1 - 1
Tier 2 - 7
Tier 3 - 7
Synchronized souls - one upgrade for Symbiotic Souls
What is the max number of uniquely named epic monsters that can be claimed before Elder Dragon spawns.
5 unique drakes :Chemtech, Hextech, Infernal, Mountain, Ocean drakes
1 Baron
1 Rift Herald
1 Void Grub, all named the same
1 Any dragon soul
This champion is Sejuani's father.
Who is the only player to win two or more world championships without Faker on their team?